Liam24132's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Liam24132's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This looks just like you buddy! Good job! You even did your shirt as your favorite color, green.
- Courtney (Mother) on April 13, 2022
Such a beautiful heart!
- Courtney (Mother) on April 13, 2022
Good job buddy!
- Courtney (Mother) on April 13, 2022
Mommy loves this!! Such a pretty rainbow!
- Courtney (Mother) on April 13, 2022
Love this Christmas tree! You are amazing!
- Courtney (Mother) on January 26, 2022
This is a beautiful snowman! We are so proud of you little man!
- Courtney (Mother) on January 26, 2022
You're doing so good!
- Courtney (Mother) on January 26, 2022
Love this bumblebee! You are doing so good little man!
- Courtney (Mother) on October 22, 2021
This snake looks like the one on Daddy's car! You did a good job!!!
- Courtney (Mother) on October 22, 2021
Amazing Liam!!!
- Courtney (Mother) on October 22, 2021
Good job Liam!
- Courtney (Mother) on October 22, 2021