Valan6's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Valan6's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Valan, this is beautiful ! I love the variety of flowers and the colors are so pretty! Wish I had that on my table! It is very joyful looking. Great job!!!
- Vicki on May 22, 2024
Wow! I love this. Lots of contrast and color. The blue and green background colors are so calming. Great work.
- Griffin (Father) on May 14, 2024
What a wonderful collision of different colors, shapes and textures. It feel like a room full of diverse people getting to know each other for the first time!
- Griffin (Father) on January 23, 2024
Great job Valan. To me it evokes a sense of a stranger (strange monster?) in a new and unfamiliar world.
- Griffin (Father) on January 23, 2024
Great work Valan! I love the contrasts and layers.
- Griffin (Father) on January 23, 2024
Valan, I love the hands on the colorful background! Very pretty and thought-provoking.
- Vicki on April 3, 2024
I did leave a comment earlier but am happy to do so again. Loved you use of color! Good job!
- Vicki on January 25, 2023