Lowry16's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Lowry16's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beautiful! I love to see what you create!
- Kelly (Mother) on December 13, 2022
Hi Buddy- you are quite an artist Lowry! We love this piece too. We sent away for a copy of it so now we have 3 pieces of your artwork to hang on our wall! We are so excited! Love you!
- Grand Donnie & Papa Bill on December 14, 2022
Hi Lowry! This piece of artwork is so beautiful! Papa Bill and I Love your use of color! Keep up the great work!!!! Love you so much?? Gran Donnie
- Donna Calautti on November 9, 2022
Hi Lowry! It's Gran Donnie and Papa Bill! We LOVE your artwork and would love to have a copy to frame and hang up at our house. Love You!
- Gran Donnie on October 19, 2022