Mitchell5008's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Mitchell5008's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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WOW! Look at this, awesome sauce my boy! This looks like a Dragon in space!!! I also notice the rainbow back fin which helps this Dragons aerodynamics (you learned this word the other day). Awesome my buddy, love you, see you after school today.
- Sharkhead on October 19, 2022
Amazing drawing! This is either a Lion or a Dragon with no wings! Either way, you did a good job on this. Remember, practice art so that you can draw a picture of me when I get old! Awesome job! Love, Dad
- Omar (Father) on November 10, 2021
Wow! What an awesome drawing son! You are very talented and should keep drawing cool stuff for practice. Nice job Boomer. Love, Dad
- Omar (Father) on November 10, 2021