Joseph38755's Comments (40)

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Below are comments about Joseph38755's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Leo; I really like this picture! Tigers can really be scary, but you made a very nice-looking tiger! I also love all the leaves you put around him, to make him look like he's in the jungle. I LOVE plants! You really did a nice job on this picture!
- Mimi on November 13, 2024
The tiger looks like he's thinking about how he can get into some trouble! It's a great piece of work!
- Lysa (Mother) on November 7, 2024
I love your oil pastel painting. That tiger's eyes say "don't be afraid I just need a friend" Love you, Nana
- Lysa (Mother) on November 6, 2024
Leo; Your bunny is GREAT!! He is gray & white. Do you know Mimi found a BABY bunny is our garage a bit ago? He was afraid of me, so he went where I couldn't get him. But, I left the garage door open so he can get out. Your picture is so very good. You are becoming a pretty great artist!!!!
- Mimi on May 1, 2024
Bunny with blue eyes, I like it! And he likes cherries instead of carrots. Very curious, great job Dude!
- Lysa (Mother) on March 30, 2024
I know you wanted to make the frog playing the piano but just think how happy you made Lillie by making a cat, and a brown cat no less playing the piano. Love you, Nana
- Nana on December 20, 2023
Leo this picture is one of my favorites. I LOVE winter and snow and you have lots snow on house tops and lots of snow falling from the sky. Look Santa is even on the snow covered house top ready to come down a chimney. You are a great artist. Love you, Nana
- Nana on December 20, 2023
Leo--this artwork is really good!!! I like snowy days, and it is snowing in this picture! It must have been snowing for a while, because the buildings have a LOT of snow on them! I also like that the buildings are so many different colors! That makes them look prettier with the snow. I LIKE this picture!!!
- Mimi on December 14, 2023
Dear Leo--you did a GREAT job on this gumball machine! You did a good job with the shading of the glass globe that the gumballs stay in before they are purchased. This is a really, really good picture!!!! I love you!!
- Mimi on November 4, 2023
Leo your Frog playing the piano is awesome. I know frogs are your favorite. You can tell he is having a blast just by looking at that big smile you gave him. Love you, Nana
- Lysa (Mother) on October 3, 2023
Leo, I know frogs are your favorite and I think you did an awesome job making the picture of a frog playing the piano. I am so proud of you. Love you, Nana
- Lysa (Mother) on September 25, 2023
Leo--I LOVE this frog playing a piano. This frog looks very happy. He must enjoy playing the piano. The year is heading for winter, so I'm sure Mr. Frog will be finding a place to spend the cold days. Thank you for sharing this picture with me!!
- Mimi on September 20, 2023
That is a beautiful butterfly. You used blue and purple over each other to create a beautiful color. I love that picture. It is one of my favorites. Love you Nana
- Nana(fan) on September 17, 2023
Leo--this is a beautiful, blue butterfly!!! I really like butterflies. I have seen butterflies that are black with blue stripes, but never an all-blue butterfly! It looks like this butterfly has stopped to eat a bit on some plants. I hope he fills his tummy. Thank you for sharing this beautiful butterfly with me today!
- Mimi on September 17, 2023
Leo--this picture is really nice! It makes me HUNGRY for ice cream!! With sprinkles and a cherry on top!! You even made the bowl pretty!! I think you are becoming a REALLY good artist!! I love you!
- Mimi on March 29, 2023
You did a very good job drawing your Pokémon and Pig and Elephant flowers. You even drew them on your vase with a self portrait. I love it.
- Nana on March 29, 2023
Your mountains are very awesome and so is that cool BLUE?? sun. I love you.
- Nana on March 29, 2023
Leo I love your cupcake. Look at all that icing, your favorite thing.
- Nana on March 29, 2023
Your use of color in each cup shows your artist ability. Love Aunt Odessa
- Odessa on November 15, 2022
Leo--good job with the different colors in this picture. Even the tail of this animal has different colors!!! Very nice job.
- Mimi on November 15, 2022
Leo--this picture is very pretty with all of the primary colors and different shapes. It looks like you used paint at the bottom of the picture. The paint mixed with the colors is really nice! Good job!
- Mimi on November 15, 2022
I like the stack of cups with primary colors!
- Lysa (Mother) on October 11, 2022
Leo--this picture is a GREAT JOB!!! You used such nice colors, and your colors are SO nicely inside the lines. What a beautiful picture!!!
- Mimi on October 6, 2022
Leo--this picture is beautiful! I love the mountains! Do you like mountains too? I also love sunny days, and I can tell from the bright yellow sun that the sun is shining brightly in your picture. I also love to plant flowers and vegetables and watch them grow in the sunshine, just like they are doing in your picture! I am so glad I got to see your artwork online! GOOD JOB, LEO!
- Mimi on April 27, 2022
Birds are my favorite, love this wise owl. Aunt Odessa
- Aunt Odie on February 23, 2022
Birds are my favorite, love this wise owl. Aunt Odessa
- Aunt Odie on February 23, 2022
Leo--I LOVE this picture of the owl! And, the snow! You REALLY love snow, don't you? I am SO GLAD I got to see this picture you made!! It is such a good job!!!
- Mimi on February 23, 2022
This is a great picture! You know how much Mommy likes birds. I think it may be my favorite so far...might even make it to a mug ;o)
- Lysa (Mother) on December 8, 2021
Leo--ALL of your art pictures are SO GOOD!! I like them all, but the red bird is my favorite! I like red birds or Cardinals because the male bird keeps its beautiful red color all winter! Most other birds change to brown colors, but not the Cardinal! You did SUCH a good job with all of your pictures!
- Mimi on December 8, 2021
Leo, I love your leaf! You have such pretty fall colors in it. I think it looks like the leaves on the maple tree in the front yard.
- Nana on November 24, 2021
Leo, this painting reminds me of looking out the window on a stormy and windy day. It is wild and beautiful. ??
- Karen on November 24, 2021
Hi Leo, Love this drawing. Your colors are beautiful. Hugs.
- Karen on November 24, 2021
Leo--this color wheel is beautiful! When you color, you stay in the lines so nicely! You just did a beautiful job on this picture! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on November 24, 2021
Leo--this ladybug looks SO pretty in the grass! You did a really good job making this ladybug! I love it! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on November 24, 2021
Leo--this ladybug looks SO pretty in the grass! You did a really good job making this ladybug! I love it! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on November 24, 2021
Leo, your lady bug looks like she's on the move, where is she going?
- Aunt Odessa on October 13, 2021
Leo, I see you have created a weather color wheel. That's awesome, what would a sunny day look like? Love Aunt Odessa
- Aunt Odie(fan) on October 13, 2021
Great job Leo! I love all the colors on your umbrella. Love you, Nana
- Nana(fan) on September 28, 2021
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