Eli14351's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Eli14351's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I really like your bird, Eli. Great job on the wings and chest feathers! Also, the eyes are great!
- Papa on October 24, 2023
Hi Eli -- I LOVE your bees flying around a pink flower!
- Papa on October 24, 2023
Eli! I LOVE the bees! They look so real I can hear them buzzing around the flowers!! love, GIGI
- Gigi on October 24, 2023
I love-love-love your heart art, Eli!
- Papa on October 24, 2023
Really cool stamp art, Eli! I really think the green heart is great! It really stands out of the picture. You are a great artist like Papa! Lots of love, Eli.
- Gigi on October 24, 2023
Love the way you made the water and all the fish!! You do a great job with watercolor!!
- Gigi on October 24, 2023
Your picture shows how pretty fall is. I love fall! The bark on the tree is great, just like you see in the woods. Good eye and great work!
- Gigi on October 24, 2023
Looks like camping next to mountains. Your family loves camping!! I see the tiny ??….and the grass is so cool they way you painted it! Amazing!
- Gigi on October 24, 2023
Chimney, windows with decorations and snow…looks like a cozy gingerbread house! I love your art and so glad you enjoy making art almost every day!
- Gigi on October 24, 2023
A great way to celebrate the beautiful fall colors!
- Papa(fan) on October 24, 2023
Great job, Eli! Your art really shows how much you love camping.
- Papa on October 24, 2023
Beautiful artwork, Eli! Red fall trees are my favorite.
- Papa on October 24, 2023
This one is special because it's your handprint, Eli. You have a great sense of color and design.
- Papa on October 24, 2023
I really like the colors you used Eli! And it makes me smile.
- Papa on October 24, 2023
Love it, Eli! Keep up the good work!
- Papa on October 24, 2023
I LOVE the skyscrapers with faces!
- Papa on February 9, 2022
I LOVE this!
- Papa on November 17, 2021
Great job with perspective!
- Papa on November 17, 2021