Carter21078's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Carter21078's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Carter I absolutely love your artwork. Amazing job! Keep up the good work!
- Valerie on April 27, 2022
Carter, Amazing artwork! So proud of you & your mad skills! Way to go!!!??
- Valerie on March 23, 2022
Carter, I absolutely love your artwork. You’re quite the budding artist!!
- Nani on February 2, 2022
Carter this so cute!! Love this one, great job!!
- Randal on January 26, 2022
Awesome job Carter!!! So proud of the artist you’ve become!?? Keep up the good work! ??
- Valerie on November 9, 2021
Excellent work! Looks like a professional did this and not a 6 year old. Fascinating. This is one of my favorites !! .
- Larry on November 9, 2021
Super job kiddo! Way to be highly expressive in your colors. Really pretty. I love it!

- Larry on November 9, 2021
These apples look awesome!! You nailed it!! Way to go girl!!
- Randal on November 9, 2021
Carter, this picture is SO amazing!!! I love the colors you used!! Keep up the great work! You are an awesome artist!!
- Randal on November 9, 2021