Logan43203's Comments (43)

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Below are comments about Logan43203's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Logan, this reminds me of when you were in Florida! I see a nice palm tree, and a nice rainbow. Nice job!
- Grammy on May 10, 2024
Love the colors and shapes used to create your butterfly. Beautiful!
- Joy (Mother) on April 17, 2024
Hey, that cool penguin is sitting on top of an iceberg. Also, that cool iceberg is 3 or 4 colors! Nice job Logan! Love Grammy & Papi
- Grammy on April 17, 2024
Love that outfit she's wearing. Love Grammy & papi
- Connie on April 17, 2024
Keep up the good work Logan!
- Connie on April 17, 2024
Logan we love this sweet little penguin / parrot? What a good artist you are. Love, Grammy & Papi
- Connie on April 17, 2024
I like the holiday colors.
- PAPI on April 17, 2024
Logan, I knew right away that this was the Christmas nativity scene. You did a great job. Love you, Grammy ??
- Grammy on December 6, 2023
Very creative!!
- Joy (Mother) on November 8, 2023
I don't know what it is but I like it a lot! Go Logan!
- Grammy on November 8, 2023
Great job!!! Love the colors.
- Joy (Mother) on September 26, 2023
We about this, remember? It's a turtle floating on its back. How come you named it "After". It's good work Logan and I really like it. ?? love, Grammy
- Grammy on November 8, 2023
This makes me want to sing "Old MacDonald Had a Farm"! Nice job Logan!
- Grammy on May 17, 2023
Logan, I think this is your most beautiful artwork ever.... I mean it. So much detail went in it. I love the rain puddle with the circles in it. Red umbrella, raincoat, and boots. You're a wonderful artist!
- Grammy on May 17, 2023
Love, love, love this. It’s very creative and the colors go so well together.
- Mommy on April 5, 2023
Hi Logan! This is a very nice picturr. Did you cut out 2 of the hearts? Your artwork is very pretty and I like it! Love you!
- Grammy on February 22, 2023
Logan, this one is really beautiful! You've used every color. So pretty!
- Grammy on January 25, 2023
What a wonderful use of colors and shapes. Very nice!!! Love Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on December 28, 2022
Logan, I love your sweet little kitty cat. I knew it was a cat right from the beginning. Nice job Logan!
- Grammy on December 28, 2022
Awwww Logan, I like your picture. Looks like were peeking at a mom and dad taking care of a little baby in the crib. Am going I right?
- Grammy on November 30, 2022
Awwww Logan, I like your picture. Looks like you were peeking at a mom and dad taking care of a little baby in the crib. Am I right?
- Grammy on December 28, 2022
3 Apples, my favorite! Or they could be 3 bell peppers, also my favorite! Either way you've made a picture of Grammys favorites. I like your picture very much!
- Grammy on November 16, 2022
Logan, when I see you soon, I want you to describe this picture to me! Grammy had a hard time figuring this one out.
- Grammy on November 16, 2022
Very creative! I love the weaving of the yarn.
- Joy (Mother) on October 25, 2022
That's another great picture by Logan! It looks to me like its nighttime and that's the moon in the corner. I just love it! Keep up the good work Logan.
- Grammy on October 5, 2022
Logan, this purple fish is just great. I love how you made his eyes and teeth. I knew right away it was a fish. Also I like how you made the scales too! Keep up the good work.
- Grammy on September 21, 2022
I absolutely love this!!! I love the colors you used.
- Mommy on September 13, 2022
Hi Logan. What are those 2 creatures flying around? Are they birds? Would Grammy be scared to touch them? Would they bite me? As usual, I love your beautiful work! Love, Grammy
- Grammy on June 15, 2022
I can't believe I didnt leave a comment because I remember talking about it. He's a cute pink piggie, right? Love you!
- Grammy on May 19, 2022
Hi Logan! This is a wonderful picture. Next time we talk I want to discuss it. There are so many interesting things to talk about I cant wait. As always, you've colored every bit of space with a bright fun color. Let's talk soon! Love you
- Grammy on May 19, 2022
Hi Logan! Another pretty drawing. I love that expression, especially the "side eye" and pretty smile. I'm going to send you a picture with Grammy doing a side-eye! Heres Logan doing a cartwheel.
- Connie on April 6, 2022
Logan, I'm getting hungry just looking at this delicious looking cupcake with that bright red cherry on top. Cupcakes are my favorite desert, and brownies. What is your favorite desert? The more I think about it I have lots of favorites - cookies, ice cream, fruit. Keep being a good girl in class and working hard and doing your best. I love you!
- Grammy on March 30, 2022
Great picture Logan! I love the complimentary colors you used on your cupcake.
- Mom on March 30, 2022
Oh my goodness, look at that beautiful valentine heart! Hey, today is Valentine's Day! Happy Valentine's Day Logan. I hope you have fun today and get a valentine sweet treat.
- Grammy on March 30, 2022
Theres another beautiful picture drawn and colored by Logan. Grammy looks forward to seeing your imagination and creativity and energy in the work you create! Keep up the good work Logan!
- Grammy on February 2, 2022
Beautiful work Logan
- Reggie (Father) on January 2, 2022
Logan, this is another beautiful picture you've created. You did a really colorful job and I like it very much. She has a pretty smile which makes Grammy want to smile.
- Grammy on January 2, 2022
Beautiful picture! I love all the colors you used.
- Joy (Mother) on December 28, 2021
I love your Fall tree Logan!!! I like all of the colors you used and how you show the leaves falling. Great job!!!
- Joy (Mother) on November 1, 2021
Logan, I love your complimentary colors artwork! This is so pretty. I'm going to see how fast you can name all those beautiful colors. Very nice job Logan.
- Grammy on November 1, 2021
Great picture Logan. How in the world did you think up this interesting design? You're a super duper artist!
- Connie on October 13, 2021
I love that playhouse. It looks like the one in Logan's backyard. Those kids look like they're have fun! Nice job Logan!
- Connie on October 13, 2021
I love Logan's picture. Two things I really like - there is so much pretty color everywhere, it just pops out. The second thing is that Logan colored each and every space on the paper and didn't leave one speck of white space anywhere!
- Connie on October 13, 2021