's your Papoose. What is this? It looks like a cup of hot chocolate (that has legs and arms) that tipped over and is pouring onto a plate of cholate chip cookies. Is that what it is? I love the pastel colors of the background and the detail of the cup is so fine and precise. I love it. I just hope those are cookies and not lady bugs. I love you so much and can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving. Your Papi
- Poppy on November 21, 2024
Hey Joey, You show great creativity with your monster spilling the mild onto the chocolate chip cookies. Love the multi-hued background. Are they watercolors? So pretty! It looks like the monster and cookies are superimposed onto the watercolor background. How did you do that? Love you so much, Georgia! Keep up the great work! Love and hugs, Nani
- Nana on November 21, 2024
Hi Georgia! You are a real animator! I’ve played this over and over, it’s so much fun! Your cute character is such an acrobat, she reminds me of you, somersaulting from one thing to another all the way around the playground And she sure looks as happy as you do when you’re tumbling, spinning, even climbing walls! I love how you made her flip out of the picture, then back in again, using her arms to help propel herself. What a perfect animation for spring! Love you spring, summer, fall, and winter! Grammy
- Betsy on June 12, 2024
Hi Georgia! Your geode is the most beautiful one I’ve ever seen! We have part of one at home, but it’s not nearly as colorful as you made yours. Your watercolors are so vibrant, they pop out against the black background. Did you start at the center and work outward? Did you have to let each ring dry a little bit before you painted the next one? And I wonder what you used to embellish it-they look like sparkly pipe cleaners, but much more delicate. I can’t wait to see it in person, and touch it! Love you bunches, Granddaughter! Grammy
- Betsy on June 12, 2024
Georgia, what is this. I can't figure it out. It looks a little like a cross section of a tree trunk but its the wrong color. Could it be the ripple effect when you throw a rock into a pond. Whatever it is I love the colors and the shade variations. It looks like you used water colors and if you did this must have been very difficult to complete. I love you so much and can't wait to see you real soon. Papi
- Poppy on April 24, 2024's your Papoose. I love your latest art work. It reminds me a little like Joan Miro. I have wanted to buy one of his paintings for years now but Nana won't let me. Anyway, I love the animation. I can see Evie doing her acrobatics and you climbing the tee-pee trampoline at the park. How did you get the back ground color to change the way you did. That really added to the interest of the piece. Congratulations on another fine job. I love you so much and am so proud of you. Your Papi.
- Poppy on April 24, 2024
So cool!! You animated having fun at the park with both the figure and the background moving! How did you do that? Is that brown rectangle a climbing wall? Your drawings show off your imagination and creativity. Love it!
- Nana on April 17, 2024
Love your purple Papier Mache donut! Are those ears like it's a bear or handles on it to make it easier to eat or paint? I'm guessing it is blueberry flavored with raspberry streaked icing. Great work! Love you so much!
- Nana on March 6, 2024
"Balloons Over Broadway" How clever to depict the PacWoman balloon among skyscrapers, restaurants and bridges - just like in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade!! The yellow, rose and turquoise colors are vibrant and a stark contrast to the gray buildings. You have an awesome and creative imagination. Keep up the great work! Love you so much.
- Nana on March 6, 2024's your Papoose. First of all I love donuts. Second of all I love the color purple. This piece is so realistic that I want to take a big bite out of it. I can taste the frosting. I hope this is real because I wouldn't want to eat paper mache. Also, my guess is the ears are suppose to be donut holes. It almost looks a little like Mickey Mouse. Based on the stripping, I can only imagine the inside is my velvet. I am going to ask Nani to pour me a big mug of fat free milk so I can dunk this thing right now. That is what a nice job you did on this project. Next time please make me a filet, medium rare. I love you JoJo. Your Papi
- Papi on February 28, 2024
Hi Georgia! Looking at your artwork is making me feel suddenly hungry! Could it be that pizza she’s heading for? I know Pac-Man eats lots of dots and a few ghosts if he’s lucky, but it looks like Pac-Girl ( Is that her name?) prefers Italian food! She looks as though she’s floating high enough to reach all those skyscrapers around her, and perhaps could float even higher Oh, it’d so love to do that, too! Your cool colors behind her make her bright yellow really pop, so my eyes were drawn immediately to her. Ooh, your city has a Spy School, too. So I wonder: Was she a spy student? Or just passing by? What a great story this could make! Thank you for sharing, granddaughter! Love you so so much! Grammy
- Betsy on January 24, 2024
Georgia, I am trying so hard to understand your latest art piece but can't figure it out. I love the Pokemon character and yellow is my favorite color. The pug nose, dimple, eyelashes and bow bring the character to life. I love the contrast of the aqua and violet. And I almost sense that I am looking at European architecture. I love the charcoal structures. Keep up the good work. I love you so much. Your Papi
- Poppy on January 17, 2024
Georgia, I love you so much. I looked carefully at your latest piece and immediately thought to myself.....this reminds me of Basquiat. And then I read that the project was on BASQUIAT!!!!! Woah are you good. I am so proud to see how you are developing into an accomplished young artist. Keep up the excellent work, Georgia. You are extremely talented. Ask your Mom and Dad when you can have a sleepover with Nani and Papi. Love you.
- Papi on May 24, 2023
Hi Jo, You love the snow in this picture and you always wear fuzzy ear warmers - it is so YOU! You bring textures and motion and expression to your work. I am so proud of you! Love you tons!
- Nana on May 17, 2023
Hi Georgia, It was so fun to look at your expression illustrations! I love the way the smile curves up on one side, your angry eyes, the piggies with your tears and the tilted head. Are you surprised or yelling in that one? I can't tell but you are full of expression - as always! What I like most thinking about your expressions is when you hug me so hard and try to pick me up off the ground. So fun! Love you, JOJO. Keep up the amazing work!
- Nana on May 17, 2023's your Papi. I love what you have done here. It reminds me of when we were in WDW a couple years ago and you weren't tall enough to go on Space Mountain. Nana took you into the photo booth and you took hilarious pictures together. I can still remember all of your silly expressions. And you have captured all of those emotions in your latest work. You are amazingly talented. You have managed to depict joy, sadness, excitement and more by the way you have drawn the eyes, mouth and posture of your subject......whom I presume is beautiful JoJo. I love you so much. Your Papoose.
- Papi on May 17, 2023
Joey! I love this new piece you created! You're so talented and I love your creativity??
- Ont Mont on March 22, 2023
Georgia, its your Papoose. I love your new artwork. At first I thought you had created a shadow but then I realized you were making an angel in the snow. I love the bright mittens as they contrast with the muted colors of the textured jacket, the 3 dimensional earmuffs and puffy buttons and the bright eyes and smile. I can just imagine you laying in the snow and moving your arms and legs....they are so straight. Congratulations on another beautiful piece. Keep up the good work. Papi is very proud of you and loves you very much.
- Poppy on March 22, 2023
Georgia, it's your Papi again. You never fail to amaze me. I love your most recent self portrait. You seem to be contemplating something very important to you. Could it be the kitten you have drawn. I love the pastel colors you have chosen and the detail in your sweater and background. You have done an excellent job and I would imagine you are going to get rave reviews from your grandma and nana. Congratulations on another wonderful work. I love you so much. Your Papoose
- Papi on March 1, 2023
Hi Georgia, I can see that you modeled this pumpkin patch after a famous Vincent van Gogh painting. You captured the Starry Nights colors and moonlight perfectly. Great job, Jojo! Love, Nani
- Nana on December 23, 2022
Hi Jojo, The monster looks so creepy and sweet - angry eyes and pointed teeth but pastel colors and a bow. I like how you made the wall with all the crack lines. Keep up the great work! I love you so much! Nana
- Nana on December 23, 2022
Georgia, you know its your Papi. I love love love your Van Gough piece. He is one of my favorite artists. Combining "Starry Night" with a very seasonally appropriate pumpkin patch is simply wonderful. I love your choice of colors and your fluid brush strokes. It is an absolutely wonderful painting. I am so proud of you and can't wait to introduce you to the world of Renaissance art this summer. Love you so much. Papoose
- Papi on December 23, 2022
Hi Georgia, What a great future self-portrait! Blue hair, dangly earrings, doctor or nurse, fashion designer for clothing or jewelry. You have such expressive and beautiful brown eyes. I can't wait to hear from you what professions you have in mind for your future. You are an amazing granddaughter and can do anything you put your mind to. I love you so very much, Jojo! XO XO XO Nani
- Nana on December 23, 2022
Hi Georgia, Papi here. I love your self portrait. It is as good as the ones painted by Van Gough and Rembrandt. It accurately portrays your beautiful long hair with pretty bow, your striking brown eyes, your rosy lipstick, your flowery dress and all the jewelry you love to wear. I am very impressed. But I had no idea you wanted to be doctor. Do you think you will be a pediatrician and work with little babies or do you think you would prefer to work with older patients. Whatever you decide I am confident you will provide everyone with compassionate expert care because that is the type of person you are. I am so proud of you and I love you so much.
- Papi on December 23, 2022
Hi Georgia, Oh my goodness!! How many different kinds of bees are there?!? The Queen with her crown, the drones carrying food, the workers caring for the hive and the bee with hearts. They are all different sizes and shapes. Those stingers look menacing, too! Wow! I bet you learned a lot about bees - like mixing science and art. Did you paint over bubble wrap to get the effect of the beehive? I really like the muted tones of the yellow and pink of the hive. Great job, Jojo! Love you, Nani
- Nana on November 24, 2021
Hi Georgia, it's your Papi. I love everything about your new work - the detail, the color, the dimensions but most of all the variation of the honeycomb. It gives me a soothing, peaceful and very comforting feeling. You are such a talented young artist, and I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work. I love you angel.
- Poppy on November 17, 2021
Georgia! I’m so impressed with your bees! I love the detail and character that each bee has. Thanks for sharing with us. Love Ont Mont
- Mandy on November 17, 2021's your Papi. When I saw your first drawing I thought it was Evie's. That is how good it is.....and your sister is a very accomplished artist. I am so glad you are following in her footsteps and expect you are going to be an outstanding young artist. Congratulations on a job well done. I look forward to watching you develop your own unique style as the year progresses. Keep up the good work. I am so proud of you, and I love you so much.
- Papi on October 27, 2021
Hi Georgia, You created such a detailed robot! If he were real, would you use a remote to control him? Or could you just talk to him and tell him what to do? You gave him lightning bolts, so I imagine he’d be super fast, maybe whizzing around to bring you what you need and helping you finish your chores in 5 seconds! It looks as though it’s snowing Legos in your picture, Jojo! Thank you for sharing your artwork, and have fun with your next project! Love you lots, Gramma
- Betsy on October 20, 2021
Hi Jojo, The details in your robot drawing are amazing! Keep up the great work! Love you so much, Georgia! XO Nani