DUUUUUDE!!!! When I saw that thing chomping on yur face yesterday I was amazed! It’s SO COOL!! And I was even EXTRA excited cuz Rhinos are my favorite land animal of ALL!! Way to go man! Keep on being creative!
- Vovo on November 1, 2023
DUDE!!! That’s a great scary face. I love the colors you used too. His teeth and eyes are what jump out and scare me the most. Good job!!
- Vovo on November 1, 2023
Dude!! So many things come to mind when i look at that cool art!! Maybe daddy could read you the story of when Esau gave away everything just to have a bowl of red lentil soup! I also thought it could be a symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice for us. But it’s also just the perfect red to make daddy’s car look a lot sportier than it does now if you could paint it!! Haha! Keep up the great work my man. Vovo te ama MUITO! ??
- Vovô on May 24, 2023
DUDE!!! I love all the color and I see so many different things! I love it because it makes ME think with my imagination to try to see different things. Sometimes the one set pf black spots looks like nostrils, but other times like eyes!! SO COOL! Keep up the great work big guy!
- Vovô on May 24, 2023
Hey big guy! I’ve always loved imagining dinosaurs living around us today too!! I LOVE your imagination. Keep it up! God loves it too!! Big hugs and fist pounds from vovo!!
- Vovô on February 22, 2023
That is so cool! I love the colors and the layers of the background with the picture overlay. I looks like a Picasso!
- G'wad on October 14, 2022
You love a lot domiciliar just like ME, Owie!! Way to go dude! Amazing!!!
- Vovo on October 14, 2022
Nice work Owie!! Vovo really liked the shapes and colors. It looks like a lot of really awesome and colorful shells on the beach!!