Camila4724's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Camila4724's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You are an amazing artist!!!
- Grandpa Danny And Grandma Maria on December 29, 2021
Camila, I love all your art work . This one has a beautiful mixture of colors. Good job! We love you Abuelo and Abuela
- Grandpa Danny And Grandma Maria on December 29, 2021
Way to go Camila. I love the Colors and the designs. Another Picaso
- Grandpa Danny And Grandma Maria on October 21, 2021
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful ! A future Monet in the makings. That’s our granddaughter !
- Grandpa Danny And Grandma Maria(fan) on October 14, 2021
The best artist in the world ! A future Picasso without issues. Great job Camila !??????
- Grandpa Danny And Grandma Maria(fan) on October 14, 2021