I loved your latest "LADY LIBERTY", Torea. You are making great progress. Hope you continue to like art. I always did and it brings out the creativety in us. I t also an excellent way to express yourself. You make me proud. Love, Grandma. -- Dorothy
- on October 24, 2011
Torea, your Torea, your "spooky silhouettes" is great. I loved it. You are making great improvements. I am so proud that you like to draw and create. You will always be able to keep yourself occupied and have fun at the same time. It is always fun to see what you can create and how good it looks when you finish. Great job!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Gramdma
- on May 30, 2010
Great Art, Torea. You are the best. Keep up the good work!
- on May 30, 2010
Torea, Your Panda picture is so good! I love the paper media and the panda looks like he/she is climbing the bamboo! You are really growing as a artist! So proud of you! Love, Aunt Darlene
- on May 30, 2010
Great Job, Torea You may be a famous artist someday!!! Love to see more good work! Love you, Grandma and Grandpa Elmo