Joss65's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Joss65's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Joss. Looks a lot like the model reference, nice work processing your own version of the art. You have the best imagination. Love you buddy.
- Eryn (Mother) on March 12, 2024
Joss, how fun! The solo guy in the center of the page appears happy. I especially like how I can see his facial expression. Have you ever thought about having your sky go all the way to the ground? Look outside, see how the sky is blue and is touching the ground. Just something to think about. Great job buddy!
- Mom on January 11, 2023
Joss, I love the beach too. I'm glad it took you a long time to color. That is a great way to build patience. The people look like they are having a great time. Nice job!
- Mom on January 11, 2023
Joss, this is a fun artwork. I didn't know that you thought of art often. When you think of art, what do you think about? Is this a person creating art? I enjoy the line work, shapes, and of the black and white filling the whole paper.
- Mom on January 11, 2023
This is one of my favorites. It looks like artwork from Keith Haring. He's a pop artist and super fun!
- Mom on September 28, 2022
Great job Joss! I think it was very creative to add the flowers, kite, and windmill. Way to go covering the entire sky blue all the way to the ground (horizon line). That is a lot of work and shows hard work.
- Mom on September 28, 2022
Great job Joss! The style of the watercolor mixing looks super fun! See... blending can be fun, that's my little man. Love Mom
- Parent (Mother) on October 6, 2021