Jacob67934's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Jacob67934's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This may be one of my favorites !! Can’t wait to see it in person - <3 mom
- Brooke (Mother) on January 9, 2024
Cool dude!! I bet this was fun to make :)
- Brooke (Mother) on January 9, 2024
That looks so cool Jacob! Keep it up man!
- Fin (Father) on November 15, 2023
This is so cool Jacob!! Can’t wait for you to tell me about your inspiration :) how creative God made you!
- Brooke (Mother) on November 14, 2023
That looks awesome Jacob! Very cool! Good job!
- Fin (Father) on March 14, 2023
Looks like your hands are muddy and growing. Cool artwork! Have fun
- Brooke (Mother) on January 31, 2023
Nice work Jacob! Cool colors :)
- Brooke (Mother) on January 31, 2023
What a creative mind and skillful hands God gave you! This is absolutely beautiful Jacob! So cool- Mom
- Brooke on September 28, 2022
Jacob this fish is one of my favorites. You are so creative and smart! I love you… have a wonderful artistic day!! Mommy
- Brooke (Mother) on April 12, 2022
What awesome yarn art!! Almost looks like the worms we catch in the driveway way!! Good work sweetie
- Brooke (Mother) on February 22, 2022
You are so creative! You must be having so much fun making all of this beautiful artwork! You must be so proud of yourself, I am proud of you! Love mom
- Brooke (Mother) on February 22, 2022
Wow Jacob, very cool!!!
- Grandma(fan) on January 5, 2022
What a nice job on the nativity! Little baby Jesus in the manger
- Grandma(fan) on January 5, 2022
Your hands are growing SUPER BIG- are they bigger than mine?!
- Mom on November 17, 2021
Jacob this is soooo cool :) good work
- Mom on November 3, 2021
Jacob this is so cool… is it a Ferris wheel? You are so creative
- Brooke (Mother) on October 13, 2021
Jacob this one may be my favorite of all time!! So creative - love, mommy love
- Brooke (Mother) on October 7, 2021
Great job Jacob! This looks fantastic :))
- Grandma(fan) on October 7, 2021
Great job Jacob, this looks amazing !!
- Grandma(fan) on October 7, 2021
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