Wow, Sis! Your 3-D picture is AMAZING!! It looks like all your shapes are popping out of the center of your picture upward. And I love that it is so colorful. Nice job, sweet girl!
- Grandma on November 1, 2023
I LOVE this picture, Sis! You did such a good job on the glue, scissors, and ruler! They look almost real! Love the colors you used too. You are a real artist! Love, Grandma
- Judith Rehmer on November 1, 2023
I LOVE your new picture, Anita!! Love all the colors you used and that you covered the whole page with your art. I also like the different kinds of lines you used...the straight lines on the outside and the curly ones for the circles and ovals in the middle. Beautiful! I love you! From Grandma
- Judith Rehmer on November 1, 2023
Anita! I LOVE this picture! It looks just like the hungry, hungry caterpillar!!! I love that you used so many colors and that the eyes and mouth look so real! The little animals (maybe fish?) are so cute! You are quite the artist! Great job, Sis!!
- Judith Rehmer on February 23, 2022
Wow! I LOVE all the color you put into your picture, Sis!! How did you decide to divide your picture diagonally and do half with an orange background and half speckled with a white background? That is very cool! Will you tell me about the figures on the right side and why you chose the "6" for the right side? Was it because you are 6 years old? I love this picture! And I love YOU!!