Camden, I think this is your best yet! Nice work! I love you!
- Oma on May 24, 2023
Camden! Wow! This piece is amazing. I love your choice of color and I wish I could find a wallpaper like this! Great job on your flowers and leaves too. I love you!
- Oma on May 24, 2023
What a gorgeous bouquet of flowers! I see all of the leaves and petals too. And the background design is very well put together. Great job Cam! ~Daddio
- Dan (Father) on May 15, 2023
Camden thomas! This is Grammy seeing your artwork on your 7th birthday! I am so proud of you and your imagination! You are very creative. Love you Grammy
- Monica on March 22, 2023
Nooooooo!!!!! You shouldn't be swimming with sharks Camden. Hopefully these are nice pet sharks and not mean ones. ~Daddio
- Dan (Father) on March 21, 2023
I love the way you ran your colors! Great job Camden
- Grammy on January 25, 2023
This has got to be some of your best artwork!
- Grammy on January 25, 2023
Sure looks like a seahorse to me! I love your imagination Camden
- Grammy on January 25, 2023
That is such a cool picture Camden! You do such a good job
- Grammy on January 25, 2023
Bub! I absolutely love your polar bear! When I look at this picture it makes me feel sooooo happy. Love you Bub! Oma
- Lisa (Oma) on January 18, 2023
Cam I love your giant fluffy polar bear! He's so cute! Great job Bubby.
- Dan (Father) on January 16, 2023
Camden, I love this tree. It is beautiful! It reminds me of the colors we see in the fall and I love seeing the changing colors. Nice job! Love you! Oma
- Lisa (Oma) on January 11, 2023
Wow what a pretty tree Camden! I love the fall and Christmas colors. You are getting so much better with art. Love you!
- Dan (Father) on January 4, 2023
What a blend of colors!
- Dan (Father) on October 6, 2022
Camden, I can't believe how cool this piece of art is! I love your choice of color and the placement of each one. You are a superstar!!!! Love you! Oma
- Lisa Daegling on October 6, 2022
I love this design and choice of color Camden! You ROCK!
- Lisa Daegling on October 5, 2022
I love how large your bunny is, it fits the page perfectly! Keep up the hard work Camden.
- Ashley (Mother) on April 20, 2022
Cam, I love your bunny! The background is fun too!
- Oma on April 20, 2022
Heeeeeere comes the Easter Bunny! Hopping down the bunny trail. Hippity hoppity hippity hoppity, Easter's on it's way. You are getting so good at drawing Cam! ~Daddio
- Daddy on April 20, 2022
What a cool looking seahorse! He looks so happy swimming around. Great job Camden! ~Dad
- Daddy on April 6, 2022
Really cool heart Cam! Love all of the colors.
- Daddy on March 23, 2022
Another Artist in the family! Wow Cam, this is amazing! Love you, Oma
- Oma on March 16, 2022
I love this heart, it is so big... like your heart. Keep up the awesome artwork.
- Mom on March 15, 2022
Camden! I absolutely love this Pigeon, you make your art teaching momma so proud! Great job
- Ashley (Mother) on March 1, 2022
Awwww I love your pigeon Cam! Your drawings have gotten so much better. Way to go Bub!