I love this representation of family holiday crazy, chaotic fun!!!
- Kristin (Mother) on February 11, 2025
Miles ... Every time your artwork is 'posted', I realize how creative you are ... very PROUD GRANNY here! Love you!
- Mary on October 30, 2024
This is so colorful and fun! I love the car and trees! It looks like the sky is even full of colors. Nice job working so hard on your picture!!!
- Kristin (Mother) on October 15, 2024
Miles, your leaf is so beautiful!! The fall colors are perfect. It looks like you spent a lot of time on the details, nice work! Love, Mom
- Kristin (Mother) on September 24, 2024
Miles, I love this! There is no trait more important than being KIND!
- Grandma on June 5, 2024
I love that you are dreaming of being near the water and enjoying a beautiful vacation!!
- Kristin (Mother) on May 7, 2024
Your artistic abilities continue to amaze me ... this picture shows such great perspective and action! I'm so-o glad I get to see your skills! Granny
- Granny on April 24, 2024
Miles ... Here I am again telling you how wonderful your art projects are ... you see things in life that lots of us never notice! Is Corny in his home for this artwork? Your hand is so 'realistic' ... almost looks like a photo instead of a drawing! I'm trying to figure out what the orange passageways are ... will ask you when we talk! I love you! Granny
- Granny on March 28, 2024
Every time I see that you have a new Artsonia project, my heart is so happy. This car looks very, very fancy and 'well built'! Your shop is so neat and clean - great job, Miles! If I was shopping for a car, this one would be at the "top of my list" _ thanks for sharing your magic skills. Love you!
- Granny on March 13, 2024
Hi, Miles! I Love the car you designed for this Artsonia project ... very colorful and 'well built'! Thanks for sharing it! Granny
- Granny on February 21, 2024
Hi, Miles ... Your "Art Brain" keeps getting more creative! This 'shredded wheat' is a great idea and you did it so neatly! Thanks for sharing with me! I'm a PROUD Granny ...
- Granny on January 31, 2024
Miles ... This art masterpiece is quite unique in your portfolio ... when I talk to you, I'd like to ask some questions about how you decided which items to create. I love all of the different colors and shapes, and the symmetrical pink design is so interesting! So proud of your artistic ability that you are willing to share ... Love you as a 3rd Grader at Grace McWayne Elementary!
- Granny on January 3, 2024
Each new art masterpiece that is shown on 'artsonia' makes me realize how many unique ideas you have in your heart and brain. I am so proud of your ability to express each of them through art! Thanks for sharing, Miles! Granny (I love you ...)
- Granny on December 20, 2023
Miles, Hi! Super Corn-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy might be my favorite of all your creations! Really, really loving and sweet (and a little scary)! Thank you for sharing your skills with me! I love you! Granny
- Granny on December 12, 2023
I think Cornyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is the perfect subject for your artwork ... he is colorful, doesn't complain, and is willing to be still when needed. Congratulations to you and your beloved pet! I love you!
- Granny on November 9, 2023
As an artist, Miles, you are the "Cat's Meow", or should I say the "Snake's Hiss"!? Your ideas are so-o unique and fun to see. Am sure Corny loves being the main model for your creations! Thanks for sharing ... love you lots!
- Mary on November 9, 2023
Miles ... I am amazed at the wonderful artwork you can create. This latest is beautiful (my love for cats is expressed from your heart) ... the eyes can "see all"! Your art work and teachers are exceptional! Love you!
- Granny on October 25, 2023
This 'nature scene' is unbelievably beautiful ... what great color combinations and use of black silhouettes! Think we need a frame for this one ... what do you think?
- Granny on October 4, 2023
This "Calm Space" looks interesting ... but, I think that's Corny included (which makes it un-calm for some of us since I have never held him). Next time I'm visiting you at home, I will try to bravely hold him and feel "CALM"! I love you, Miles! Actually, your artistic work is very amazing!
- Granny on October 4, 2023
Miles ... I just saw your wonderfully creative 'pumpkin' (itty bitty)! You are really an artist and your patience to do such a good job is impressive ... Love You!
- Granny on September 20, 2023
Miles ... Your masterpieces "just keep coming". Things you see and imagine are so-o amazing and I'm thankful that you share them through your art! When I see you, I hope you'll share the 'story' behind this work! Love you, Granny
- Granny on March 29, 2023
Hey, Miles, I saw this art piece a few minutes ago and think it is amazing. You develop the most unique designs with color combinations that are wonderfully different. The fun part for me is to try to figure out what the directions were before you started - hopefully, you'll share them. Love you, Granny
- Granny on March 22, 2023
Hi, Miles! I was excited to see your new artwork yesterday ... it makes me feel happy. The first thing I noticed was the stars in the sky, so I know it is a 'night scene'. Pretty special! The tree, lamp light, walk-way, and front door make me think it is your home. I'll have to look more closely to see the round window, the triangular roof, and the windows above the turret. You are so good at noticing details that 'this granny' misses. I'm proud of you! Thanks for sharing this masterpiece with me ... I love it and you! Granny
- Granny on March 1, 2023
Miles, You must have worked really hard on this beautiful art. It looks like an amazing place, possibly a castle, or fancy home!?! I really like the twinkling stars and the tree, too. Good job—I’m proud of you! Love, Mom
- Kristin (Mother) on February 22, 2023
Hi, Miles! I hope you enjoyed the postcard with your 'Sleepy Bear' as the main focus! It was so fun to send it to you at home. From, Granny
- Granny on February 22, 2023
Miles, I love your sleepy bear! It is so cute and I can tell that you worked very hard on the details. Great job! Love, Mom
- Kristin (Mother) on February 21, 2023
Miles, I love your colorful and beautiful Corny. This art is very unique and makes me feel happy. Thank you for doing your best and working hard on your projects. I love you!! Mom
- Kristin (Mother) on December 27, 2022
Miles ... All of these "Crasy" colors make Corny look like a completely different snake - Yikes! Don't think I would recognize him if he transformed into this colorful body. It is so fun to see your ideas turn into masterpieces ... thanks for sharing them! (Love you)
- Granny on December 21, 2022
Hi, Miles, When I saw your artwork today, it gave me a thrill...so beautiful and unique! How did you decide to make this 'lava lamp' design? The characters and colors are so intriguing and fun to study. I especially like the way the colors transform as the design 'seems to move'! Love you, Granny
- Mary on December 7, 2022
I love your imagination and colorful art. Thank you for working hard on your art, Miles. I love you so much!! Mom
- Kristin (Mother) on November 15, 2022
This rainbow art piece is so beautiful and fun. I love it and it's very fun to see how everyone worked together to make this piece.
- Kristin (Mother) on November 1, 2022
Miles, Thank you for sharing this beautiful "Untitled" art work ... my favorite part of it is the beautiful blending of the colors. Is it rectangular shaped, so we need to look for a frame that will fit? We can check with Dad and Mom when I get there in 2 weeks. Love you, Granny
- Granny on November 2, 2022
Miles ... I am so-o excited because this morning there is another piece of your creative artwork posted on my computer! When we visit tonight, I would love to hear your inspiration for this masterpiece ... is it Corny? Will talk to you soon! Love to you - Granny
- Granny on October 5, 2022
This second grade art project is absolutely "underwater" with so many different things to enjoy. Included in the creativity is a blonde character that could belong in our family ... along with the colorful fish and other objects that are 'unknown'. It will be fun to visit with you about all of the ideas blended together to influence your final product!
- Granny on September 21, 2022
This might be the sweetest turtle ever made by an artist ... it is so-o happy and sparkly! After the happiness, my favorite part is the tiny tail ... it makes me smile every time I look at it! Your horizontal and vertical lines add great design choices to the turtle's shell. Congratulations on a "JOB WELL DONE"! Love from, Granny
- Granny on May 4, 2022
Oh, my goodness! I cannot believe that my comments on this wonderful artwork are missing. This airplane is so well-done. The proportions are so true! Even the vehicle is 'realistic' ... Treat job, Miles! From, A Very Proud Granny
- Granny on May 4, 2022
Hi, Miles! I looked for all of the letters of the alphabet in your masterpiece. Some of them were 'hard to find', but I think I did locate each one -(not totally sure about the 'R'). Anyway, I love word and letter puzzles, so this is a "favorite" for me! Thanks ... Granny
- Granny on May 4, 2022
Miles, Your art teacher has the best ideas for amazing art projects! I am so-o happy you get to learn from her. Now, I am going to look for each letter! Thank you for sharing with me! I love you, Granny
- Granny on May 4, 2022
Seriously, this is one of the most creative art ideas ever! Snakes slithering through grass, yikes, but this art makes it cute. Miles, your snakes look so realistic with the diamond shapes and the diagonal lines - even the colors look like 'true-to-life' snakes. Thanks again for sharing!
- Granny on April 27, 2022
The colors on this art are so vibrant, cheerful and "rainbow-ish". I definitely would choose the 'chocolate chip mint' ice cream, but the whole, giant cone looks scrumptious! The cherry-on-the-top is a great idea. Thank you for sharing this masterpiece with me! (I Love You.)
- Granny on April 17, 2022
This caterpillar is really sweet! The colors are so vibrant and cheerful ... is it attached to the leaf you made? How did you get the sphere shapes of the body to be the same size? I will be excited to see it! Love you, Miles, From, Granny
- Granny on March 23, 2022
Hi, Miles, It's Granny again! Your city, airplane, vehicle art was just posted ... WOW! You are developing some real skills with your work this year. Tell your teacher, "Thanks". The details and colors are spectacular ... both the airplane and vehicle have proportions that are realistic. Congratulations!
- Granny on March 9, 2022
Hi, Miles ... Your alphabetical order is well done! It was so fun placing the words from "Sea Urchins" in an alphabetical list together. When you choose these bright colors in your artwork, it makes them so lively and fun to share. Thank you for working hard to do your BEST! Love you ... Granny
- Granny on February 16, 2022
Hi Again, Miles ... Right now, I am feeling hungry because I see a delicious cheeseburger in the Artsonia website from Miles6773. It actually even "smells" good. You put so many of the best toppings on your cheeseburger ... onions (my favorite), bacon, lettuce, ketchup, mustard - is there a pickle hiding under the lettuce? Is this masterpiece off of Dad's grill from the deck, or from 5Guys, or from Culver's ... Oh, I know - from Portillo's, for sure! We will definitely go to get one of these treats when we are together. Please tell Mom to order a canvas wall hanging for you to celebrate the great job! I love you, Miles! From, Granny
- Mary on December 29, 2021
Hi, Miles ... Your Turtle art is amazing ... I love the side-view, and how you show only two legs, one eye, etc. It is such a "Happy Animal" with a very colorful shell. My favorite thing is the sparkly eye with eyelashes and a pupil. Plus, the smiling mouth makes the turtle even more special. Thank you for sharing this masterpiece with me. Please let me know when I can order some 'merchandise'! Love you, Granny
- Granny on December 22, 2021
Hi, Miles ! I think your turtle is amazing ... the side view shows the turtle and head, so we can see the whole project. You certainly did a great job coloring within the lines on the shell. And, I like the way only two feet show since it is one side of the animal. Actually, the eye makes me smile the most ... very special with eyelashes and a pupil. Please let me know when I can place an order for this masterpiece! Granny
- Granny on December 29, 2021
Hi, Miles, Your art is amazing! I especially like the rainbow, raindrops that have landed on the sidewalk, and the colorful umbrella. But the best part of this creation is that the artist is included in the work ... pretty special. Thank you for sharing with me - I hope to buy some merchandise when Mom places an order. Love you, Granny
- Granny on November 24, 2021
Miles, Your "scientist" is really great ... he looks like a 'hard worker' with good ideas ! This is a fun assignment ... your art teacher surely knows what 'kids' like to create. We'll look at merchandise when we are together ... exciting! I love you, Granny
- Granny on November 10, 2021
Miles, I love your geometric robot. The colors are bright and fun. I love the blonde hair! I’m so proud of your hard work!! Love mom
- Kristin (Mother) on October 12, 2021
Miles ... I think we should name this chameleon. Can you think of a perfect name? It is so sweet! Thank you for sharing it with me ... Granny
- Granny on October 13, 2021
Miles ... You are truly an artist! This mask is amazing ... my favorite things are the cheerful colors, whiskers, symmetry on both sides, and the eyes. Your use of triangles is really special. Maybe the 'cutest' things are the 'tiny ears'! (I bet it was fun to draw all of the squiggly lines for the background.) Love from, Granny
- Mary (Granny) on September 22, 2021
Miles, I love your drawing! The colors are bright and I can tell that you worked hard in this! Good job, I love you!
- Mom on September 27, 2021
Dear Miles... Thank you for sharing your artwork with me! I love it very much - especially the smile and the curls. You must have been wearing a shirt with stripes, too. Most of all, I love the boy you drew. From, Granny