Collin8520's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Collin8520's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice work Colin...should be called "five amoeba's"
- Papa Steve on September 4, 2024
Nice job Colin! Self portrait?
- Grandpa on April 21, 2024
Beautiful work, Colin!
- Mimi on December 28, 2022
Great job, Colin! I love all these colors!
- Mimi on November 2, 2022
Very nice work Colin! See in person pretty soon...Gigi and Papa steve
- Papa Steve on September 14, 2022
Nice work, Colin!
- Cindy on May 25, 2022
- Gigi on April 6, 2022
Picasso-like rainbow fish....great job!
- Gigi on April 5, 2022
Picasso like rainbow fish....great job!
- Gigi on April 5, 2022
Savannah really likes the picture!!
- Gigi on October 25, 2021 have a vivid all the colors.
- Gayle on October 20, 2021
Colin Great job! It looks just like you, especially the haircut. Keep up the good art!
- Grandpa steve on October 12, 2021
Great picture,Colin! I love it and I love you! Mimi
- Mimi on September 26, 2021
What a great picture! You have a hidden talent.
- Gigi(fan) on September 26, 2021