Gavin25679's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Gavin25679's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love the beautiful rainbow colors! You are a true artist Gavin!
- Grandma on October 18, 2023
Love this!
- Nana on October 18, 2023
Love it! You're a star, G!!
- Grandma on April 26, 2023
Love this Gavin! Love Nana
- Patti on February 22, 2023
I Love this artwork! Love Nana
- Patti on January 25, 2023
Love your snowman! Love, Nana
- Patti on December 7, 2022
Love this Gavin! You are so talented.
- Love, Nana on December 7, 2022
Great job Gavin!
- Patti on March 25, 2022
Oh my gosh Gavin! This cactus made me smile! I absolutely love this picture. You certainly are a great artist! I enjoy ALL of your artwork...keep it up! Look forward to seeing more!
- Grandma on February 23, 2022
Great job! Love you, Nana????
- Patti on February 23, 2022
I LOVE flowers! You did a great job! They look like sunflowers too!
- Grandma on October 6, 2021
I LOVE this Gavin! Can't wait to see more artwork from you.
- Grandma on September 23, 2021
Gavin, Nana loves your artwork! Great job! Love you so much!
- Patti on September 23, 2021