Grace, There is so much detail in this peace! I love the colors and the way you’ve used them. My eye is really drawn to the green snowflake in the middle!
- Grandma on March 1, 2023
Grace, I love the vibrant colors inside your heart! Love you and will see you soon, Grandma
- Grandma on March 1, 2023
Your little bear looks sad and cold. I hope he can find a warm place to hibernate soon!
- Grandma on March 1, 2023
Grace, I love your Cardinal’s playing in the snow. The blue background really makes the red cardinals standout! Love you, Grandma
- Grandma on March 1, 2023
Grace, I love your snow man. Did you paint that on aluminum foil? What kind of paint did you use? Grandma
- Grandma on March 1, 2023
Grace, I’ve never been on a turkey farm, but bet it is noisy! We have seen a lot of wild turkey’s in Colorado and they all look pretty happy, just like your turkey.
- Grandma on March 1, 2023
Grace, your pumpkin looks like it could be a great and scary jackolantern! I love the black spines. It looks so realistic. Love you and your amazing art! G
- Grandma on March 1, 2023
Gracie, You are an amazing artist and I love your sleepy little bear, your skeletons - ready to go trick or treating and of course your rainbow fish (one of my favorite books)! Can’t wait to see what your next creation will be!
- Grandma on March 1, 2023
Grace, I love your owl and the dark purple sky behind. It reminds me of the morning sky. Parker and I often hear an owl hoot when we first go out in the morning and the sky is dark and the stars are soooo bright. The stars remind me that you would see the same sky and stars if you went out before the sun comes up in Kansas City. Even though we are so far away we are really very close.
- Grandma on March 1, 2023
Kisses to you too!
- Grandma on March 1, 2023
The tooth fairy! Just like I’ve always imagined her!
- Grandma on March 1, 2023
I like Momma’s eyelashes and her colorful beak and red beard. Her chicks look pretty content and happy!
- Grandma on March 1, 2023
Grace, I love your lion! He looks a little surprised! Hope Spring arrives in Kansas City soon!