Evangeline1148's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about Evangeline1148's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Evie, I love this! It reminds me so beautifully of one of my favorite things in the world... a chocolate milkshake! Well done, my talented granddaughter! Maybe you should make yourself a t-shirt with this on the front!
- Grandpa on November 17, 2023
Bright and Beautiful! Colors and glitter . . You know how to create . . . love
- Grandma on November 17, 2023
Beautiful! Watercolor?? I love the shading of the background . . . .lovely, Evie. Grandma
- Grandma on November 17, 2023
Evie, those leaves are absolutely gorgeous! I love the colors in the background and how they accent the colors of the leaves. Beautiful! I hope you put this on a wall or displayed where others can enjoy it too.
- Grandpa on November 17, 2023
Evie, I LOVE your style . . .your zest . ..the colors you pick. Grandma
- Grandma on August 14, 2023
Evie, that is amazing and fantastic! I knew right when I first saw it the artist you were using to guide your artwork here, and it sure enough turned out to be him! Way to go, Evie. I am proud of you. This is one of your best of all time.
- Grandpa on August 14, 2023
Koi Fish! Hmm . .. so beautiful . . . interesting . . .Water . . . and a golden fish . . . movement . . . wonderings . . You are such a good artist, Evangeline Marie!
- Grandma on August 14, 2023
Rainforest project?! I like the way you painted the forest . . .the water . . .branches, leaves, animals . . .It has energy . . .I think your paintings almost always have energy, movement. I like that. The water flows . . .the leaves move . . . the animals swim. The very air seems to vibrate. How do you do that, Evie?!
- Grandma on December 14, 2022
Cat! Pink cat in top hat and bow tie. Right? Is this a relative of 'tacocat'?
- Grandma on November 23, 2022
Love this work! Pen and ink . . .washes . . Sky!! and that tree has action. You are a talented artist, Evie love
- Grandma on November 23, 2022
Strong, beautiful colors . . .interesting way to communicate truth . . . you have to 'look' carefully . . . . You are very talented, Evie .. . .have great ideas . . . love!
- Grandma on November 23, 2022
Evie, I really loved this piece of yours. The design, the color scheme, and the mention of the Fruit of the Spirit, make this an intriguing work of art! Thank you for doing this. You are so talented.
- Grandpa on November 23, 2022
So GOOD! . . . .fun, floaty . . . I love the spirit of this piece. Thanks for sharing . . . for creating . . .
- Grandma on September 4, 2022
Evie, Love it . . . the blue-blue sky, the large, bright sun edging into the picture . . . . The buildings--sizes and types and and purposes. Trees and plants. And in the foreground the materials . . . Is that right? Or is it a lake . . . . and trees . .. . and more? Even enlarged, I couldn't quite tell. Thanks for creating . . . thanks for posting. You are an artist! love
- Grandma on September 4, 2022
Evie, Dancing, bright initials! Beautiful . . .
- Grandma on September 4, 2022
Strong piece! I love it, Evie. You have so many styles . . . . I like the angle as well . . . .and the fact that the rays keep going . . . .off the paper. You are very talented! Thank you for sharing. Grandma
- Grandma on March 16, 2022
Evie, I like it. A lot! . . . . The blue colored background of shapes . . . .and free sketchiness . . . .and then the extra pieces of patterned beauty . . . .slapped onto the surface at interesting angles. So Good! Grandma . . . .
- Grandma on March 9, 2022
Evangeline Marie . . . .Beautiful! I love rocks . . . .and works of art using rocks as their base . . . These is amazing! Honoring to Our Creator-God . . . using your creating gifts. Bless you! Grandma
- Grandma on February 10, 2022
Oh Evangeline Marie, What an amazing artwork. I love how you did this . . . . the big concept. The colors . . . the posture, protection of the angel. Her hair blowing . . . . The Star . . . the light coming from the open door . . . rainbow colors (Peace) . . .etc. Thank you for using your gift, imagination, training . . . .LOVE G & G
- Grandma on December 22, 2021
Evie, this work of art is absolutely wonderful. It is so imaginative and well done and so creative. I am proud of you.
- Grandpa on December 22, 2021
Amazing! Just wouldn't want to run into this web as I walk down the driveway. Beautiful colors and 'active' legs . . . Keep on creating, Evangeline! Grandpa and I love your works.
- Grandma on December 1, 2021
Evie, This is an amazing painting . . . . .I just finished a book called "How to Raise an Elephant" by a famous African author. You are a very good artist. love
- Grandma on October 13, 2021
I love this piece, I can feel the wind blowing the leaf
- Stephanie (Mother) on October 6, 2021
I love this bird . . . .the way you did the branch it is perched on . . . AND all The Stars! Great work, Evie.
- Grandma on October 6, 2021
Sketches! A way to warm up . . . .and then . . .Boom! things start to expand. These are great, Evie. Grandma
- Sheridan on September 8, 2021
Very Cool . . .. Is that a '9' in the middle of the 'O'?
- Sheridan on September 8, 2021