At first I had difficulty distinguishing the head, then the eyes, finally the twisted body itself. But that's the purpose or good art--to make us look closer, to seek its unobvious meaning, even if it is disturbing. Well done.
- Papa on March 13, 2025 NEW
Another fine piece, Lucas, especially your making the snowman, trees, and presents all appear to be inside the globe. Perhaps you'll be amused to learn that I thought the globe was being held in an elephant's snout! Papa
- Papa on March 13, 2025 NEW
Lucas, this another fine example of your ingenious work. The only thing missing is an electric connection to make the neon light up! Papa
- Papa on March 13, 2025 NEW
Lucas, this is a fine cover for your collected works. I will use it on my PDF of your best pieces, where we can view them in a single file. Keep expressing your the excellent imaginative vision of things.
- Papa on March 13, 2025 NEW
Lucas, this is an impressive and complex work of art. I commend you for the thought and skill you put into it. Keep such fine things coming.
- Papa on March 13, 2025 NEW
Lucas, your artistic skills are getting stronger with every new example of your work. This Christmas ornament is quite beautiful, not only the alternating blue and green colors, but also with the mermaid scales. Keep up the excellent work. Papa
- Papa on April 14, 2023
Another skillful piece, Lucas. The shading is quite effective, even though I wish you might have been free to use color. This would have made the pumpkin look more real even if the shading would have been more difficult. You may also want to notice how much the larger pumpkin resembles a squash gourd that Mimi and I grew in our garden. These gourds are virtually flat on the bottom while round on the top.
- Papa on October 22, 2022
Since this piece has no title, I was not sure what to make of it. The blue section perhaps indicates that the figure is wearing a mask, but then the black section seems to have an eye emerging from it, as if to say, "They may put a mask over my mouth to shut me up, but they can't stop me from think with my brain"???
- Papa on October 22, 2022
Your orange-striped cat is very interesting--the coloring of Calico cats. Perhaps next time she/he will be yellow and thus a completely different breed! I was pleased to learn that Mewo is not a misspelling but the way your cat makes the sound "meow"! I hope you will demonstrate it for me sometime. I'm also fascinated by your part-cursive, part-printing signature. At first I though that the cursive "u" was a "v", but then I figured it out! Keep up the good work. Papa
- Papa on September 22, 2022
Lucas, this is a truly an imaginative piece of art. You have united several strands of meaning within a single work. Keep up this excellent use of your artistic talent! Papa
- Papa on September 22, 2022
Lucas, this sunflower for Ukraine is superb. You are right about the center of a sunflower: they are reddish seeds. You may have wished that they were blue, because the Ukrainian national colors are blue and yellow. But that would have ruined the realism of your painting, making it false rather than true. Yet your greenish background can be interpreted as at least a distant cousin of blue!
- Papa on September 22, 2022
What a beautiful sunflower, Lucas! Thank you for showing support for the people of Ukraine!
- Auntie Steph on September 22, 2022
Lucas, this is a fine piece of self-satire. You mock your own obsession with mazes, as if you were blind to everything else. I don't understand the red mark on your forehead, and I couldn't read the words following the five letters of your name. Even so, I commend you for making fun of yourself. Those people who, unlike you, take themselves too seriously cause much of the world's troubles. Thanks again for the excellent work
- Papa on September 22, 2022
If I were still teaching, I would require my students to define the word that your Geico insurance has spelled. I doubt that many could do so.
- Papa on January 12, 2022
Lucas, this is a superb pinwheel, a huge advance over your previous art work. I too liked the river panel best.
- Papa on January 12, 2022
Lucas, you did a great job on your pinwheel! I especially like the flowers and the fish. Keep up the great work! Love, Auntie Steph
- Auntie Steph(fan) on October 6, 2021
Lucas, I liked the Geico gecko drawing both because I like the ads & also because I like your super long word, even though I don’t know what it means! Keep up the imaginative work.