Brenna, we just love seeing your creations from your unlimited imagination. Never stop creating your beautiful pieces of art. Love you, Paw Paw and Maria
- Papa on December 4, 2024
This is so good Brenna! I love it! You are an artist just like your dad was! I love you! -Auntie
- Auntie on October 16, 2024
Love seeing your imagination come to life. We are always looking forward to your next creation. You are very talented and we love you very much.
- Papa on January 1, 2024
Very detailed! I love seeing your artwork! I love you baby! ??auntie
- Auntie on October 11, 2023
Good mix of colors
- Pop on May 24, 2023
Brenna, I really dig this one. Keep up the good work. Love ya
- Pop on May 24, 2023
We love the colors and the shapes. We enjoy looking at all of your work. You are an artist for sure. Are you going to sell this one?
- Papa and Maria on March 15, 2023
Brenna I love this!! You are so creative!! I’m so proud of you! Daddy would be too! I love you!!
- Auntie on February 1, 2023
Love this new one honey! Love you!
- Mom on December 21, 2022
Love this piece, Brenna!! It’s beautiful!!
- Mom on November 23, 2022
- Auntie on October 5, 2022
I’m just now seeing this, I love this artwork baby! You’re getting so good at expressing your imagination through artwork! I love you! -Auntie
- Auntie on September 26, 2022
We love them all but this is our favorite. You are so talented Brenna.
- PaPa on September 7, 2022
Yo Brenna, never comment much, but I do check out your artwork when I’m notified. Good stuff for sure and no knuckle sandwiches because they are just too fine. Always remember your Dad did some mighty fine artwork and I think you have potential too. As a matter of fact, you have potential for anything you want to do. Hard work is a blessing in disguise. Love you Pop
- Pop on July 20, 2022
Hi Brenna, we love your new piece of art. We see new beginnings and new life with a hatched egg and adventures in a forest. We love you and think about you all the time.
- PaPa on June 1, 2022
Wow! We are really impressed. We love your art work Brenna. We love you and can't wait to see the next one.
- PaPa on March 9, 2022
Brenna, you have so much artistic talent. We love to see your art work.
- Papa on February 16, 2022
Brenna, you have so much artistic talent. We love to see your art work.
- Papa on February 16, 2022
Hi Brenna, Maria and I are so happy to see you are enjoying your art class. The pumpkin is just beautiful. Enjoy your day and we are looking forward to seeing you in Texas
- Papa on October 30, 2021
Brenna, you are very talented and beautiful. Keep using your artistic talent that God gave you.
- Alvin on October 27, 2021
Brenna we are always excited to see your art work. You are a very bright and talented girl. Keep on using your great imagination
- Alvin on October 27, 2021
Nice job, honey!! Love you!
- Jillian (Mother) on October 22, 2021
Wow Brenna, I love your great imagination. We love you and encourage you to keep expressing yourself through art.