Zoe14793's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Zoe14793's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very, very cool Zoe!
- Grammy on October 25, 2023
Very Cool Zoe!
- Granny Vicki on October 4, 2023
very pretty. It looks like a fuzzy callipenter
- Grammy on July 19, 2023
Good job, Zoe!
- Brent on July 19, 2023
Zoe, That is super cool! I love it!
- Granny Vicki on March 22, 2023
Beautiful! I love the color scheme!
- Grandma on March 22, 2023
I love this Nutcracker Zoe! You are so creative!
- Granny Vicki on March 22, 2023
I love Fortune Cookies! is there a fortune in it?
- Granny Vicki on March 22, 2023
Hi Zoe, I love the colors on your pumpkin. The shadowing underneath is really good. Good job!
- Grammy on November 30, 2022
Good job, Zoe!
- Grandpa Brent on November 30, 2022
I love this house! It needs some chickens in the yard!
- Grammy on November 30, 2022
Love it baby girl
- Joe(fan) on August 24, 2022
I love it zoe, daddy
- Joe(fan) on August 24, 2022
Good house drawing, Zoe!
- Brent on August 20, 2022
Zoe, this is beautiful!
- Granny on August 20, 2022
Very Pretty Zoe! Love Gma
- Vicki on August 20, 2022
Zoe, I love your Picture! I love you, Grammy
- Vicki on February 16, 2022
Zoe, I knew exactly what this was before I read the caption. Although, the spray top kinda looks like a chicken. ahahahahha
- Granny on October 28, 2021
I love the colors
- Granny Vicki on October 28, 2021
This is beautiful Zoe!
- Granny Vicki on October 28, 2021