Love your hearts! You have applied great colors and good design. The painting reminds me of Andy Warhol's paintings. When you have time, take a look at his work.
- Aunt Chris on December 20, 2023
Fun picture - nice shape and it really glows with the colors you used. I had a lava lamp when I was a teenager.
- Christine on October 25, 2023
I like that the colors you used are complimentary and the yellow outline makes it seem like the lamp is actually glowing. Nice work, Casey.
- Cheryl on October 25, 2023
I think this is a heart or it could be a racetrack where a bicyclist can ride in a kind of crazy circle. I like the idea of a heart. Your painting lets the viewer decide whatever they want to see and that’s a good thing.
- Christine(fan) on September 25, 2023
This looks like a rainbow or maybe it’s a road or river. I’m not sure but the colors are vibrant. Good work, Casey!
- Christine(fan) on September 25, 2023
I love this drawing/painting. I’m not sure what type of medium you are using, but it’s whimsical and fun to look at.
- Christine(fan) on September 25, 2023
Nice work, Casey. I like your print very much.
- Christine(fan) on September 25, 2023
I think your depiction of a rainbow in the shape of a heart says a lot about you and how loving you are. This is my favorite work of art to date. Thank you for sharing your work with me.
- Aunt Cindy on April 26, 2023
Nice black and white weaving. The read stitches holding the heart together is a clever idea. Well done, Casey!
- Aunt Chris (Christine) on March 22, 2023
This heart makes me think of love and how a person can feel all different kinds of love like that of family, friendship, books, foods, education, and so many more things. Very nice work??
- Cheryl on March 22, 2023
She looks like she’s enjoying this day. Though it’s sunny now, it looks like it may have recently rained and left two puddles in which she’s standing barefooted. I like the design on her yellow outfit and the pretty blue bow in her hair. Or is it a tiny butterfly that’s landed on her head?
- Cheryl on November 30, 2022
This drawing makes me smile. The girl looks as if she's having a fun time on a sunny day. I love the slanted horizontal line dividing the image so nicely. I also like the texture of the markers used in the sky, sun, and grass areas. This is such a happy picture.
- Christine or AC! on November 23, 2022
So beautiful! I love the use of contrasting colors! Thank you for sharing. :)
- Aunt Cindy on November 2, 2022
Great composition and breakup of space. I particularly like the horizontal line dividing the image because it's not placed exactly in the middle - that's a good thing! The color blue and purple colors recede into the background and the yellow flowers advance toward you. Your color choices make the painting very exciting. I think this is my favorite art piece that you have created. Well done, Casey. Love Aunt Chris.
- Christine on November 2, 2022
Nice work, Casey. I love when such a colorful design makes me happy when I look at it. I would definitely hang this piece on our art wall with a first place ribbon??
- Cheryl on October 12, 2022
Casey, I don't know a lot about art but I do know what I like. The rainbow of colors in your artwork are why I like this piece. I also like its asymmetry. Thank you for sharing your artwork with me.
- Aunt Cindy on October 12, 2022
Nice artwork, Casey! I love the colors, shapes, and placement of both. It seems you intuitively know the principles of design - contrast, balance, emphasis, proportion, hierarchy, repetition, rhythm, pattern, white space, movement, variety, and unity.
- Christine on October 5, 2022
Love the colors and line work. It's nice that you repeated the circle within the circle and the jagged line - both add texture. Well done, Casey!!!
- Christine on September 21, 2022
This drawing looks much like a Dalmatian dog face. Nice work, Casey
- Christine on February 9, 2022
Nice weaving job, Casey!
- Aunt Chris on December 22, 2021
Good work creating your first 3-dimensional artwork. Your color choices are very nice.
- Aunt Chris on October 13, 2021
This is a super nice portrait. I love the way you have drawn the earrings and necklace around your face. Good work, Casey.
- Aunt Chris on October 13, 2021
I love the composition of your self-portrait. It looks as though you are flying through the air with your blue wings.