Uli I like how you changed the color of the leaves for the season - but not all of them. It's like the changes are moving and still happening. I think you did a great job! Love Mom
- Heidi (Mother) on March 12, 2025 NEW
your choice of colors is wonderful!
- Oma on February 5, 2025
Uli I can feel the early summer breeze because of the bright green you used. Great job! Heidi
- Heidi (Mother) on November 5, 2024
your card is beaurifully tranquil....makes me feel so calm!
- Oma on November 5, 2024
What a great design! And a beautiful color scheme!
- Oma on August 7, 2024
My favorite wintertime motif! in blue Mr. Snow looks even colder.Good Job!
- Oma on March 6, 2024
Wow I really love the shading! And the snowman’s hat ?? Luv Mom
- Mom on March 6, 2024
A very creative work, possibly a commentary inspired by the current ecological crisis? Interesting folk art using ordinary materials....
- Opa on July 19, 2023
what a little cutie! I love your rendition of a frog on a lily pad! He's adorable! I love your creativity. AND I love you! Oma
- Oma on June 1, 2022
What a beautiful depiction of a vase with cherry blossoms! I love blue and white china and your vase looks so much like Delft porcelain from Holland: its just beautiful. I enjoy your artwork so much!
- Oma on May 24, 2022
Uli. These are some of my favorite colors. You did a great job using the colors and including a drawing of a woman. You are always so creative! I think this will look good in your room at grandma's house. You can decide where to place it in the bedroom.The colors are so relaxing. Love, Grandma Roberta
- Roberta on March 30, 2022
- Roberta on March 9, 2022
Hi Uli! What a fun and skillful project: your favourite rainbow colours! Its just beautiful! Lots of Love
- Oma on February 2, 2022
Grandma and I really like your very unusual and pretty artwork. We really like to look at all the beautiful colors of the rainbow as they steam down form the cloud above. It is really amazing what you can create with such simple art work tools and materials. I especially like the checkerboard pattern, inside the cloud, as the pattern comes together and forms continuous streams of color down to the ground! It's like seeing "live action" created in a "still art" form ! :-) Love, Grandma and Grandpa
- Grandma and Grandpa on January 26, 2022
Excellent art work. Different approach to including all people, no exceptions. Well done in a positive, uplifting way.
- Opa Walter on January 26, 2022
Dear Uli! How wonderful!!! You have captured Kahlo' s expression perfectly and even her jungle home, with greenery, as well as flowers, high growth and low and a blue sky peeking through the canopy! I think koalas are the cutest and did you know that they smell really good because they eat eucalyptus leaves? Good job.
- Oma on December 6, 2021
Uli, I love your artwork of "The Dot" because it's so very Colorful and it makes me Happy to look at! In fact, I just ordered a coffee mug with it that I'm going to give grandma for a Christmas present ! :-) Shhhhhh, don't tell her ! ;-) Love, Grandpa
- Grandma and Grandpa on December 1, 2021
Uli, That is a Beautiful picture you painted of the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains. :-) I love it because every time I look at it, it reminds me of actually seeing the same mountains on my way when I was driving down to visit you and your parents! I love your art work so much, that Grandma and I already have 2 coffee mugs with your other paintings on! Every morning I drink coffee from them and think of you! Now, I'm going to order another coffee mug with this painting on. :-) Love, Grandma and Grandpa
- Grandma and Grandpa on December 1, 2021
Dear Uli, Your painting makes me feel like I'm in the mountains looking at the view! Did you know that when artists paint things far away they are smaller and lighter than the things that are close to them? You painted exactly that way! Amazing! Thank you for sharing your art with me. Love you boo! Love Mom
- Heidi (Mother) on November 3, 2021
This work is just beautiful! Blue is one of my favorite colors and I love how you have used various shades to replicate the receding mountains. Great job! Lots of love to you, Oma
- Oma on November 3, 2021
Dear Uli, I like the shapes you chose and how different shapes are similar colors (I mean that the circles tend to be blue and squares are yellow). It's like you took "the Dot" and made it better. Your composition is beautiful (composition is where you put things on the page and great ones like yours make your eye move around like it's dancing on the page). Love Mom
- Heidi (Mother) on October 20, 2021
Uli, I really like how the colors of the sun mix with the blue of the sky, it's just like that in real life until you can't tell them apart! Love Mom
- Heidi (Mother) on October 20, 2021
This is such a beautiful picture of a beautiful day: doesn't it make you want to take a walk in the field in the sunshine! I would love that: let's take the dogs!! lots of love
- Oma on October 20, 2021
Oh Uli! Primary colors are my favorites and you have done a very creative arrangement of your shapes and colors. You are so talented! Lots of Love
- Oma on October 20, 2021
Oh Uli ! This is wonderful: it's the 1st posting Ive received and I am so happy to have a record of your artistic and imaginative artwork! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity. Much love and luck to you....I look forward to your postings!
- Oma on October 20, 2021
Uli, I love the book The Dot. Artists can do so much with a little dot , a sense of adventure, and some faith in themselves. You are brave and adventurous too! This art is amazing. I love the colors and shapes you chose. Let's always promise to be brave and curious and start with a Dot! Love Mom
- Heidi (Mother) on October 6, 2021
Uli, This is a really cool painting! It's like the sky, the clouds, the trees, the rivers, and the land all rolled into one! :-) Grandma and I like your picture so much, that we're going to order another mug! (we already have the green one). :-) Now grandma and grandpa will each have their own mugs when we eat breakfast! Love Grandma and Grandpa
- Grandma and Grandpa on October 6, 2021
Uli, Grandma and grandpa really LOVE your beautiful artwork! We bought ourselves a coffee mug with your artwork on it and use it every day. The artwork is all about your expression and it really brightens our day knowing you created it.
- Ron on October 6, 2021
Uli, Basquiat is a great artist and so are you! Your crown is beautiful and it reminds me of the outdoors. Crowns are symbols of power and strength and the outdoors is one place where we gain strength because of the sun and fresh air. Thank you for sharing your art with me! Love Mom
- Heidi (Mother) on September 22, 2021
Uli, this is wonderful! I love the colors and the way they wave up and down. They move my eye all around the picture and there is a lot of contrast (difference) between the colors and the black. Love Mom