Nathaniel11181's Comments (97)

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Below are comments about Nathaniel11181's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very realistic looking fighter plane in action drawing. Very detailed.
- Nana on June 5, 2024
Nathaniel, I really appreciate how you have delved wholeheartedly into studying WWII aircraft. Your drawing reflects your knowledge! In nonfiction writing you learn that the deeper you probe the details of a subject, the better appreciation you have for it. It's great to see your art reflect your studies. Love you, Little Buddy! Hugs from Gran!
- Gran on April 9, 2024
Nathaniel, very life-like drawing of Jasper! Did you get him to pose for you? Love you, buddy!
- Granddad on January 28, 2024
Good drawing of Jasper. The cat looks ferocious! You are quite the artist young man.
- Nana on January 28, 2024
Nathaniel, I really like this soccer ball drawing about you and the things you like. “ A Ball about Me”… cool title! Your drawings really go well with the things you like! Very creative, N. I sure enjoyed playing baseball with you and Philip this Summer! Big bear hugs, Little Buddy! Grandad
- Grandad on September 27, 2023
Nathaniel, your grandad would get a kick out of your baseball imagery on the ball you designed. Your love of the color "blue" is also well represented. When I see that hamburgers are your favorite food, I'm reminded of the one you ate at The Milk Bottle. It's interesting to see your current favorite book (has Hank gone to #2 status now?), and your self-portrait is detailed and realistic. Terrific job of summarizing Nathaniel Dale Stewart! Love you, Little Budyy
- Rebecca (Gran) on September 27, 2023
Wow that's impressive - all your baseball equipment! Miss you Nathaniel.
- Nana on September 27, 2023
Wow that is an impressive robot! You are really talented.
- Nana on February 15, 2023
Dear Na-than-iel: This ro-bot took lots of work. Great at-ten-tion to de-tail. I am writ-ing this com-ment in droid el-o-cu-tion. Love from your me-chan-i-cal Gran (ha-ha)
- Gran on January 25, 2023
Nathaniel, I have been wanting to comment on this. Very good likeness! Shows talent. :-) Love you!
- Gran on November 22, 2022
Your drawing is so realistic, Little Buddy, that I thought at first you had just colored in someone else's artwork. But I should have known better! Very good work here. Have you ever seen a Wildcat plane in a museum? Guess they had speeds up to 318 MPH. They were used a lot early in WWII. The design eventually morphed into the Hellcat. My dad (your great-grandfather) loved planes. Someday you should visit the Wright Patterson Air Force Museum in Ohio. I've been there, and so wasn't my dad. He could easily spend hours walking around there! He would be proud of you. Love you!
- Gran on November 22, 2022
Very interesting. This work was done while at school I gather. Maybe at some point you can explain to me what this project is about. Thank you.
- Nana on November 22, 2022
Impressive Wildcat. I like your style!
- Nana on November 5, 2022
I can’t get over how much this looks like you! And Dad! Nice work!
- Kateri (Mother) on September 20, 2022
This is great, Nathaniel! Griz is in his cozy bed and the lemmings are invading his house. Lots of details in your pic, which brings it to life. Love it (and you)!!
- Gran on September 20, 2022
Very nice. Two loving brothers. Blessed to have each other. Love, Nana
- Nana on July 31, 2022
As I recall, this is your favorite animal. Correct? I like how you depicted him blending into his background. Very cool! Love you!! (Do you suppose the cheetah has a grandmother that loves him?)
- Gran on May 25, 2022
That Benjamin Franklin had quite the creative mind, just like you! He was an interesting fellow, and you've captured one of his iconic moments. Good work, Little Buddy :-)
- Gran on May 25, 2022
Lots of detail there - good work.
- Love, Nana on May 25, 2022
- Nana on May 11, 2022
Quite the collection of cats there Nathaniel. You are really a good artist.
- Nana on March 8, 2022
He’s in Star Wars episodes 2,5, and 6 and also the Mandalorian and the Book of Boba Fett.
- Kateri (Mother) on February 24, 2022
Very detailed drawing of Boba Fett. What series is he in?
- Nana on February 24, 2022
This guy brings the "cool" to "cat." Love it! Gran
- Gran on February 24, 2022
I like the fact that you are creating your own book covers AND writing the books. I'm rooting for your Ninja hero. Love, Gran
- Gran on February 24, 2022
Super cool and realistic! I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley at night. Scary guy!! Nice work, honey. Love, Gran
- Gran on February 24, 2022
This Star Wars figure is quite detailed and believable. Even the way he is standing looks life-like. WAY TO GO! Love your work, Buddy. Love, Gran
- Gran on February 24, 2022
Nathaniel, your art is getting better everyday. Good work.
- Nana on February 14, 2022
Wow! This game took a lot of planning and work. Great attention to detail, Little Buddy. It looks like "Death Star" gets the most points, right? Wish Grandad and I could play it with you. Let us know what you decide to use as tokens to move around the board. I bet you made some. Great job!! Love you!
- Gran on October 27, 2021
What a detailed drawing of a cool Star Wars game! Sure can’t wait to play it with you, little buddy and with Philip and Gran too! You’re a very creative guy!!
- Grandad on October 27, 2021
Hey Sweet Boy, I really like how you combine your love of Star Wars with your study of Viking ships! Don't you wonder how those Vikings sailed so far in those cold ships? Most Vikings, as I understand it, were Norwegians, and they are a hearty folk. Perhaps that explains it. Luckily, the Star Wars' crews had it much better in terms of comfortable travel! You are doing beautifully with your art work. Love you!
- Gran on September 26, 2021
I don't think I saw this "African Animals" drawing. Excellent work. Do you have a book about drawing animals? Love, Nana
- Nana on January 29, 2021
Wow Nathaniel that's a great drawing. How did you like the book?
- Nana on January 13, 2021
Fantastic. Makes for a great Halloween insect.
- Nana on October 28, 2020
Hey Little Buddy! That's a scary looking spider and it has all 8 legs:) You know what I always tell, Gran, "Spiders are our friends!" Love your creativity, Nathaniel! Bear hugs, Grandad
- Grandad (Steve) on October 28, 2020
Such a "cool" picture of the "hot" jungle teeming with wildlife. Love the lion, monkey, and leopard (?) cubs. And your printing of "African Animals" is so neat and colorful, including the appropriate paw print. Wonderful job, Little Buddy! Keep up the good work. We're proud of your effort. By the way, I don't see any bears (not exactly African jungle animals), but we send you a huge "bear hug" anyway!!
- Love you! Gran on August 5, 2020
Really like this one and so nice that it was done for your Mom. Good work Nathaniel.
- Nana on July 8, 2020
He is one good-looking and colorful turkey, Nathaniel! Is he singing, "Thanksgiving Day is coming gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, and I know I'll be eaten soon"? If so, maybe we should give him a reprieve? I vote a reprieve. Your bird is festive--a true "keeper." Love you!
- Gran on November 27, 2019
Wow what a colorful bird. Very well done Nathaniel. You are really getting better and better at your drawings. Thank you for sharing. Love, Nana
- Nana on November 27, 2019
So I assume he is a "champ" that defends the good while destroying the bad. If that is so, then as someone once said to your grandad, "Rock on." He sure has the oversized feet to squash things in his path!
- Love you, buddy! Gran on November 27, 2019
Oh, Pikachu! Oh, Pikachu! Detective brave and smart. With dapper cap and rodent nose You sniff out crime on tiny toes. Your cases take you everywhere! Detective that thou art. “Arrest the thief! Detain the lout!” You are in charge; there is no doubt. “Hurrah!” the Pikachuans shout, “Our Sherlock has a heart: He saves our damsels, thwarts our thieves, and all our mouse-like fears relieves.”
- Love you, buddy! Gran on November 27, 2019
That’s fantastic! The drawing about the book, My Side of the Mountain, is excellent. Thanks for sharing.
- Nana on November 27, 2019
Nathaniel, I am struck by your attention to detail in this fine picture of a lovely old church in Lockhart, Texas. What a delight that you could spend a special day with your dad and share in his work. God bless you, honey. Keep up the good work and always to the glory of God. Love you bunches!
- Gran on October 23, 2019
God bless you Nathaniel. That's such a good drawing of the Church. It's the oldest one in town? Did we see it when we were visiting, I don't remember. Thanks for sharing. Love, Nana
- Nana on October 23, 2019
Great, Sherlock, looking good. I always like a good detective story. Love, Nana
- on October 23, 2019
How about that, another budding architect! Nice work on your design plan Nathaniel! Hugs, Grandad
- on September 25, 2019
Nathaniel, I see you are getting into the architect end of drawing. This drawing of the house with structure notes is quite good. I like the fact that the house is yellow. What you might add now is a red door! Welcome! Love you, Love, Nana
- on September 25, 2019
Hey Buddy, it seems only natural that you would draw houses, especially with such budding specificity. Just look at your parents! And who is that standing in the doorway? I can dream that it's Grandad getting ready to play ball with you, or me bringing you some mashed potatoes, or Philip waiting to play. Or maybe it's you surveying your art (as God did at the end of creation) and saying, "It is good" :-) Love you!
- on September 25, 2019
Wow lots of detail in that drawing. I can pick out the Beta fish but hope that big basket on the ship isn't going down into the water to catch the fish. Great work Nathaniel. Nana
-- Nana
- on September 25, 2019
If you look closely, you can see it looks like our fish bowl, only with a ship floating on top. There are the white rocks at the bottom, the little plant, and right in the middle above the white rocks the beta fish itself.
-- Kateri
- on May 29, 2019
This is a complex picture with much detail! The colors are captivating. Is the title "Beta Fish" referencing a Betta fish? Guess I will have to have you explain. Regardless, it's an intriguing picture with lots of action!!
-- Gran
- on May 29, 2019
Nathaniel, I saw the tears and the sadness on the face, and it concerned me. Then I realized there was a cross and that this must be Jesus. God bless you for thinking about spiritual matters. We keep you in our prayers, and we love you!
-- Gran
- on May 29, 2019
The Crucifixion I trust. I see the INRI on the top. Nathaniel that is quite remarkable. You are a talented little guy.
-- Nana
- on May 29, 2019
Nathaniel you are so very creative! Thanks for sharing.
-- Nana
- on May 1, 2019
Nathaniel, Is that a dino- truck? used to carry Easter Bunnies:) Very creative... bringing your dino friend into the Easter Celebration!! Keep on being creative, little buddy! Love, Grandad
-- Grandad
- on May 1, 2019
Wow! This must be the dyno-cab or the dyno-ride or the dyno-bus. So many possible names could apply! Great to see you can combine your love for dinosaurs with the upcoming Easter holiday. There is a song that starts, "Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail," but you could change it to "Here comes Peter dyno-tail, thundering down the bunny trail." Love you, Nathaniel!
-- Gran
- on May 1, 2019
Wow Nathaniel - Jurassic Wild is truly wild. Looks like there is a claw ready to strike.
-- Nana
- on May 1, 2019
Hey Little Buddy! Cool looking dino! I also liked your last picture... "Dino Calendar for March"! How about making one of those for Gran and me? You are in a "Dino Phase" :) Love, Grandad
-- Grandad
- on May 1, 2019
This guy is really good! Practice makes perfect and Nathaniel seems to be getting better and better at his drawings. Thank you for sharing.
-- Nana
- on February 27, 2019
Ok I will have to give you a call Nathaniel. Not quite sure I understand this one. As ever,very interesting.
-- Nana
- on February 27, 2019
Hey Nathaniel, is this a "snow globe" of New York City? That is Grandad's and my guess! Your printing is certainly coming along nicely. You can thank your mom and dad for giving you a first name with 9 letters--it takes a lot more work to print it-haha!! Love you, Little Buddy.
-- Gran
- on January 24, 2019
This is the 3rd picture of the Nativity that I've viewed that you drew. In time order, this one came before the other ones, didn't it? Imagine Mary's surprise when the angel appeared to her and announced that she would give birth to the Savior of the world! There are some things, even as adults, that we can't fully understand. These things, as you know, are called miracles. Thank you for drawing this wonderful miracle picture remembering the angel's announcement to Mary. God bless you, sweet grandson, for using your art to God's glory. Grandad and I love you to pieces!
-- Gran
- on December 19, 2018
Your 2nd picture in your "trilogy" is wonderful. Joseph is helping Mary along! We don't know from the Bible that Mary rode on a donkey, but it is possible she did. After all, it would be hard to walk the estimated 70-90 miles that they traveled, especially if you were a woman expecting a baby! Nice work, honey!
-- Gran
- on December 19, 2018
Nathaniel, I understand this is your first of 3 pictures in your Nativity story. First, I'm happy you are contemplating this story as you draw, and second, your dad said you did it "on your own," which shows great initiative. As Roman subjects, Joseph and Mary did have to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem to be taxed. Long journeys are sometimes necessary. Remember when you traveled by plane to see us last Christmas? That was a long journey, but you had more comfortable traveling than Joseph and Mary! Good job, Little Buddy! I love you!
-- Gran
- on December 19, 2018
Oh my gosh, just what everyone wants for their child - to become a rockstar. What will Nathaniel think of next
-- Nana
- on November 7, 2018
The Titanic drawing is fantastic. When I first saw it I wondered if you had heard the story of the sinking Titanic. Very good work! Hope you are feeling better. Love, Nana
-- Gerarda
- on October 9, 2018
Another Nathaniel and Philip picture! Looks like "Super N" is rescuing little brother. Way to go! Love, Gran
-- Gran
- on October 9, 2018
Hey Little Buddy, It's great that you know how to spell Philip's name! Looks like the "N" car is on a mission to get little brother. So glad you love your brother. Being a "big brother" is a special responsibility: just ask your dad! Love you, honey. Grandad and I miss you. Love, Gran
-- Gran
- on October 9, 2018
Nathaniel to the rescue! Good guy!
-- Nana
- on October 9, 2018
Oh man that looks like a real tough guy. I guess that’s his opponent flying over head? The details are very good. You are becoming quite the artist. Thanks for sharing. Love, Nana
-- Gerarda
- on September 19, 2018
I’ve been told the two good guys win. And the bad guy loses and gets dead. So, not the non-violent ending we might have hoped for!
-- Kateri
- on June 20, 2018
The guy with the weapon sure looks mad or mean. Who wins the battle or do they settle without any further fury?
-- Nana
- on June 20, 2018
Very interesting! Thanks for sharing. Love, Nana
-- Gerarda
- on June 20, 2018
Hey Little Buddy, I think the rose that you wanted to take to your mom from Grandma's graveside ended up in my things, but I have saved it for you to give to her. These roses you drew are lovely. They really look layered--petal upon petal--like real roses. Nice work!
-- Gran
- on May 30, 2018
That's fantastic. I bet you made the special for Mommy for Mother's day. Thank you for sharing. Love, Nana
-- Gerarda
- on May 16, 2018
Very interesting.
-- Gerarda
- on May 16, 2018
That looks like a very involved drawing with lots going on. The dinosaurs look particularly fierce. Done well.
-- Nana
- on March 30, 2018
Yes can’t get over how well you are doing with your art work. What a nurturing guy to draw the eagle feeding its young. Good work.
-- Nana
- on March 5, 2018
Gran, Nathaniel says his falcon already ate the eagle.
-- Kateri
- on February 26, 2018
That’s great. I bet Uncle Ernesto would love to see your robots. He. Really likes robots. Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on February 25, 2018
Here is a poem for you Nathaniel about your picture (by Gran): I saw a bird up in the air He had some purple feathers. The hearty falcon's name was Pete. His claws were tough like leather. One day he soared up in the sky just looking for some dinner. He spied an eagle known as Clyde and chose him as the “winner.” So off flew Pete with Clyde in tow but poor Clyde begged for mercy. Then Pete the captor let him go. Hungry, but none the worse-y!
-- Rebecca
- on February 25, 2018
Hey Little Buddy! You have so many good pictures, that I don't know where to start with my comments, but this cheerful boy with dark hair, blue eyes, and a friendly face deserves a "shout out." He looks like he is saying, "Welcome!" Or maybe in Texas, he is saying, "Howdy!" So I thought I would say, "Howdy, partner" back to him. Love, Gran
-- Rebecca
- on February 25, 2018
Hey Sweet Guy, I LOVE your medieval castle! Have you been listening to your dad's story about that period of time? Or maybe your reading of the Narnia books has fed your imagination. I wish I could have you tell me about the green men and other things in the picture. Maybe sometime soon! Keep up the good work. Love, Gran
-- Rebecca
- on February 25, 2018
Scar, the bad lion looks very scary... say buddy, what's the purple "thing" in the lion's tummy?
-- Grandad
- on February 26, 2018
Very colorful Falcon, little buddy! I so enjoy your creativity in your artwork!
-- Grandad
- on February 25, 2018
What do you call that one? He looks pretty ferocious to me. Nana
-- Gerarda
- on February 26, 2018
Fantastic drawing! So looking forward to your visit in March to New York!!!! Nana
-- Gerarda
- on February 25, 2018
He made this one at school so I think he had some help with material selection. But, I’m sure the cutting, drawing, and pasting were all his own. This was part of their “fairy tale” segment at school. He liked that the wolf shows up in TWO fairy tales- Red Riding Hood and the Three Pigs.
-- Kateri
- on February 14, 2018
This is a detailed Big Bad Wolf, Nathaniel! Great selection of materials--all cut and pasted/taped well. He REALLY looks like a wolf, although we think he looks on the friendly side versus bad, which we like a lot. Way to go, Little Buddy!! Love, Gran & Grandad
-- Rebecca
- on February 14, 2018
Wow scary!
-- Gerarda
- on February 14, 2018
We're glad Philip gets to be "king for a day," courtesy of Nathaniel :-) Getting Philip to wear the crown will be the challenge-haha! I always suspected there must be a way to recycle all the Kleenex boxes I go through. Way to go, Nathaniel! Love you!!
-- Gran
- on January 31, 2018
Great "crown" for Philip's 1st b day! Made you can makes us some at Christmas for the three Kings.
-- Nana
- on January 31, 2018
He made this when he was looking forward to snowshoeing, imagining what it would be like.
-- Kateri
- on January 24, 2018
“It is a Christmas tree. A really wide Christmas tree.”
-- Kateri
- on January 24, 2018
Nathaniel I would be curious to know the story on this drawing. I like it. Love, Nana
-- Gerarda
- on January 24, 2018
Way to go, Little Buddy! Is this the snowshoe trail we trekked with the pine trees all around? You were intrepid! Keep up the good work.
-- Gran & Grandad
- on January 24, 2018
Fantastic art work. So great to be able to see all the beautiful drawings. Thank you. Love, Nana and Grandpa
-- Gerarda
- on January 17, 2018