Austin34898's Comments (58)

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Below are comments about Austin34898's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Austin, this is such a wonderful picture about the things that you enjoy doing. Great job! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on September 20, 2024 NEW
4th grade??? It seems impossible that you are growing up so fast. Nice self portrait. I'm excited for another year of seeing your artwork, Austin. Have a great school year! Love Mimi
- Mimi on September 11, 2024
Nice use of color and lines, Austin. I'm excited to see what your artwork will be in 4th grade. Love Mimi
- Mimi on May 29, 2024
?????? Granna and Pop-Pop
- Granna on May 29, 2024
I LOVE the little crab. It is so cute. It looks like a great day at the beach. Love Mimi
- Mimi on May 8, 2024
Austin, this picture is so beautiful. It looks like a special place I would like to visit. Love Mimi
- Mimi on May 8, 2024
Now this is one of my favorites…an Austin original!
- Granna and Pop Pop on April 3, 2024
Oh wow, Austin. This is really awesome. I love the designs and colors. Good job! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on April 3, 2024
Hey Austin. What a great picture. That took some time to make all those checkerboard items. You really did a good job. Can't wait to see you guys at our egg hunt. Love ?? you
- Mommom on March 8, 2024
Hey Surfer Dude, I love it! Green swim trunks, great balance, riding waves and an active volcano. Nice! Love Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on February 3, 2024
I'll bet you had fun creating this out of clay. I love the glazing you used. Keep creating, Austin. Love Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on February 3, 2024
Cool, cool, cool. I love how you defined the globe's surface and the shine on its' glass. (But I read the description of the assignment and how the artist is to put their favorite items within the globe....what, NO football? LOL).
- Granna on December 6, 2023
Hi Austin. Good job with the snow globe I really like the globe and stand but the snowmen are really great . Very special piece of art work just like you. Love ??MomMom
- Mommom. Wonderful snowman. You are really getting to be a great artist on December 6, 2023
Austin, this is the best snow globe ever! The snowmen are adorable. Think snow, maybe we’ll get some this winter. Love Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on December 6, 2023
Austin this is so cool. When I opened my email, I just said "Wow!" Keep up the great work. Love Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on November 8, 2023
Austin, you look like a football player in this self portrait. I'm so proud of you. Keep up the good work. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on October 18, 2023
Very cool Austin. Green is your color & all the different hues and textures…wow! Love Mimi
- Mimi on October 18, 2023
Hey Austin. This is a great picture. You did a fantastic job with all the colors. Love Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on May 31, 2023
So Austin, what music were you listening to when you created this masterpiece? It's wonderful! Love Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on May 31, 2023
Austin I love your daisy. Each part of it is done so well. And I really like the colors and the bee. You are doing So good and growing up so fast. Can't wait for the Easter egg hunt Love you!!!! ..
- Mommom on April 19, 2023
Austin, this is a beautiful flower and makes me think of Spring and Summer and warm weather! Love Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on March 22, 2023
I love all the detail, Austin! It looks like it took a long time to make. Love, Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on March 2, 2023
Austin love your art work. Shapes and colors are great Keep up the good work Love ?? you. Mommom
- Mommom on January 25, 2023
- Granna on January 18, 2023
You show a lot of creativity! Love all your art and you!
- Nana on January 18, 2023
This is a very cool collage, Austin. You are very creative. Keep up the good work. Love, Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on January 18, 2023
This is a very cool collage, Austin. You are very creative. Keep up the good work. Love, Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on January 18, 2023
- Granna on December 14, 2022
Austin, this is really cool. Picasso was a really different artist. He had so many styles. Art can be so much fun. Great job, love Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on November 23, 2022
Hi Austin What an artist you are becoming. That looks so real. You must have been studying leaves this fall. Love you. See you soon. Mommom
- Mommom. Wonderful snowman. You are really getting to be a great artist on November 23, 2022
Nice work!! Granna and Poppop
- Granna on November 16, 2022
Austin, this is fantastic! it looks just like a real leaf. It's so much fun to make things from clay. Love, Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on November 16, 2022
This is such an awesome picture, Austin! I really love the textured background and the colors are great. Your scarecrow is so cool. I can tell you worked really hard on this. Love you, Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on November 16, 2022
Hi Austin. Wonderful picture. This would make a great plate for hanging or to display on a table. You have a great imagination. Keep up the good work. Mom mom
- Mommom on September 21, 2022
Austin, I really love the colors you used. This is a very happy piece of art. Love Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on September 21, 2022
The first project of 2nd grade. I'm so excited to see all your artwork this year Austin. Keep up the good work. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on September 21, 2022
Austin, I love the very colorful picture of you loving soccer. It's a very happy picture. Love, Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on June 1, 2022
Pretty cool! Love this piece! Granna and Pop-pop
- Granna on May 25, 2022
It is so much fun making new colors out of primary colors. Looks like you are really learning a lot in art this year Austin. Love, Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on May 25, 2022
Austin, I love this picture. Sunflowers make me happy. The butterfly is awesome and the caterpillar is so cute crawling up the stem of the sunflower. A chrysalis is hanging from a leaf with eggs on it too. Very creative! Love, Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on May 25, 2022
Delightful! Especially the moon (it's cheese right?) :) Granna and PopPop
- Granna on April 13, 2022
This is a very interesting picture, Austin. You have a great imagination. Keep up the good work. Love, Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on April 13, 2022
Oh Austin, this is so cool! Very creative and colorful. I love it! Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on March 9, 2022
Pretty cool! Granna and Poppop
- Granna on March 9, 2022
Hi Austin - love the hot air balloon. You really use a lot of imagination on all the little designs on your balloon. Maybe some day we can go see some real hot air balloons - I would love that.
- Mommom on March 9, 2022
Hi Austin - you guys are doing so great in art. I am anxious to see which one of you stays with art as you grow and mature. You must really be paying good attention to the teacher because you come up with some very interesting art work. Keep up the good work Love you -Mom Mom
- Mommom on March 9, 2022
Austin, this is very interesting. I would like you to explain it to me next time I see you. It's really making me think about the artist you are learning about. I'm going to look him up on the internet. Love, Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on March 9, 2022
So cool!! Love that gold against the black paper!
- Mom on March 9, 2022
?? Granna
- Granna on March 9, 2022
Very creative Austin. The light colors on the black paper really stand out. Good job. Love Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on January 25, 2022
You are really learning a lot in art class. Your eyeball is really neat Austin. We enjoy seeing your artwork. Love Mimi & Pappy
- Mimi & Pappy on November 16, 2021
Hi Austin - neat idea. You are really getting good in art class. Can't wait to see you after Thanksgiving. MiMi, Aunt Joann and I have some fun things for you all to do. Love you MomMom
- Mommom on November 16, 2021
This looks like a really fun art project...finger painting. We'll have to get some paint and have some fun this winter. Love Mimi
- Mimi & Pappy on October 27, 2021
Wow-what they are teaching you about art! I will have to check Piet out!! Nice job and keep up the beautiful work....xoxo Granna and Poppop
- Granna(fan) on October 27, 2021
This is a very colorful and cheerful painting. We love how creative you are. We are so glad we can see your artwork.
- Love Mimi & Pappy on October 27, 2021
Hi Austin - what a sweet young man - you not only made a portrait of yourself but included the whole family. We love it Mom Mom and Poo Paw
- Mom Mom (Shirley) on September 27, 2021
Austin, this is an awesome picture of you surrounded by your family. A great start to first grade.
- Mimi(fan) on September 27, 2021
Austin, I love how you included Daddy, me, Landon, Brody, and Emma in your self portrait.
- Lauren (Mother) on September 10, 2021