Silas3037's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Silas3037's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this piece Silas! It shows your love of the game!!
- Kathryne (Mother) on September 24, 2024 NEW
Looks like a place we'd love to be!
- Kathryne (Mother) on May 7, 2024
This is hanging up at my work desk silas I am so proud of this! Your really took your time and put some serious effort into this and I love it!!
- Kathryne (Mother) on April 9, 2024
Such a wonderful still life Silas! Keep up this hard work boo boo
- Kathryne (Mother) on February 29, 2024
I am so excited to see this in person! Very excited to see your art work growing!
- Kathryne (Mother) on February 20, 2024
Silas, what a beautiful work of art you've made! I am so proud of your hard work!
- Kathryne (Mother) on February 20, 2024
Silas we are so proud of your hard work in art class! We have seen so much improvement over the past few years! Super job buddy!
- Kathryne (Mother) on November 1, 2022
I am so excited about the details in this peice of your artwork! I love the red and blue together very good!
- Kathryne (Mother) on September 21, 2022
I love the gold you used in this self portrait Silas! Very good work buddy!
- Kathryne (Mother) on September 21, 2022