Jack36075's Comments (36)

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Below are comments about Jack36075's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Jack- This is very good - I like all the words on the trunk of the tree and how they lead to the branches. Nice work!
- Grandpa David on September 25, 2024 NEW
Jack this is wild. I love the movement- Well DONE!!!
- Grandpa David on May 8, 2024
Jack- This is very cool- I like the colors. Could you build this with Legos?
- David on April 10, 2024
Love this, Jack! Nicely done!
- Mitchell (Father) on April 8, 2024
Jack who do you imagine lives in this wild and crazy room?
- David on February 28, 2024
I love the diversity of trees in you hockey painting. WELL DONE
- Grandpa David on February 2, 2024
This is very cool! Great work, Jack!
- Mitchell (Father) on November 13, 2023
This is beautiful! Good attention to detail on the goose.
- Grandma Marianne on November 13, 2023
Jack- This is very cool. Are they laying eggs in the sand?
- David (Grandpa) on October 17, 2023
Jack With these black eyes it looks like a "Rock Monster" from Dungeons and Dragons. Well done
- David (Grandpa) on October 17, 2023
Very Creative Jack and I love the name.
- Grandpa David on September 6, 2023
I love this. The outside looks reminds me star trek Enterprise space ships
- Grandpa David on May 3, 2023
Looks like the setting of a great DND adventure or book! Love it.
- Aunt Claire on March 29, 2023
This is a wild and crazy cone. Love this one, Jack!!
- Aunt Claire on March 29, 2023
Jack _ This is a crazy cone but it is making me hungry. Great job!
- GrandpaM on March 22, 2023
Jack - This is very cool. You make we want to see the tower in person.
- Gramps on March 9, 2023
Jack - This is one wild and crazy snowman. It would not be a fair snowball fight since he has 4 arms to throw them with
- Gramps on December 28, 2022
Jack- Jelly fish are one of my favorite things. I like all the different types you have created. Very nice!
- David Grandpa on October 26, 2022
This is awesome! I can't wait to see this one in person. Great work, Jack!
- Dad on October 18, 2022
I love the colors ! I hope we can go snorkeling together!
- Marianne on October 18, 2022
Jack - I like the 3D art work. I like witty way you named him blue. Very funny
- David (Grandpa) on September 21, 2022
So cool, Jack! Reminds me of Oboe
- Aunt Claire on September 21, 2022
I am so proud of you for reaching your goal! I love this rocket!
- Marianne on August 31, 2022
Jack - Great drawing- If you could travel on rocket ship where would you like to go? Also you may need a new goal since you already beat your Mom in the Mile. Well Done!
- David ( Grandpa) on August 31, 2022
Love this, Jack!
- Marianne on May 11, 2022
This is really cool! Nice work, Jack!
- Mitchell (Father) on March 28, 2022
Jack I love the colors on this WELL DONE
- David (Grandpa) on March 30, 2022
Donut you want to meet this snail?! Great work buddy!
- Claire on February 23, 2022
Wow bud! This is my favorite one so far. Love all the pieces of salt.
- Claire on February 23, 2022
Jack- I really like this. It makes me hungry. Your art is very good - Keep up the good work
- David on February 16, 2022
Love this, Jack! The colors are so fun!
- Aunt Claire on October 14, 2021
This is so cool! Awesome job, Jack!!
- Mitchell (Father) on October 8, 2021
Jack - this is great - That is one cool seal who looks like they have a lot of friends!
- David(fan) on September 22, 2021
I really like this piece of art Jack
- Marianne on September 22, 2021
Love it! Nice job, Jack!
- Mitchell (Father) on September 17, 2021
Love it! ??????
- Mitchell (Father) on September 9, 2021