William39585's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about William39585's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wonderful portrait. There is something familiar about it.
- Marilyn on February 19, 2025
Slow and steady wins the race! Love your turtle but love you more!
- AuntVickie on April 17, 2024
You are our Super Hero, Porter! Your drawing is very life-like and I love it! Love you more though...
- AuntVickie on February 14, 2024
You just informed me that this is a rhinoceros! I love it! I can tell you put a lot of effort into the details ??
- Mama on October 18, 2023
Love the colors, patterns and little grasshopper on your latest creation, Porter! I love you most of all.
- AuntVickie on September 20, 2023
Hi Porter, this looks like a sunny day outside with the doggies! You will have to tell me about some of your other symbols/designs one day when we get together. I love the colors you selected. Remember that I love you most of all.
- AuntVickie on March 29, 2023
You know that I love animal portraits and this one is great! Very handsome doggie with a bowtie...looks like he will be ready for St. Patrick's Day in March! Beautiful drawing, Porter! xxxooo
- AuntVickie on March 15, 2023
Great job Porter and one of your favorite colors!!
- Grampy on March 15, 2023
What a BEAUTIFUL pumpkin, Porter!!! Fall is my favorite time of the year with all of the rich colors and you captured them perfectly! I love the purple background that highlights the deep orange and greens of the pumpkin. Just lovely. I love you.
- AuntVickie on March 15, 2023
Porter! I love your artwork! Love the colors, the design and the simplicity of the style. You did a great job!!! xxxooo
- AuntVickie on March 15, 2023
Are those long-horns from Texas?!!! Love the colors and design, Porter!
- Vickie on March 15, 2023
Porter- I love your drawing with the many hands. And the happy animals. In fact, this picture makes me happy. Love you - Mimi
- Mimi on March 15, 2023
Hey Porter, very creative robot for sure!!!! Want to see this one in person to see what he is holding in his left hand! Love the colors and love you even more!
- AuntVickie on April 27, 2022
Porter, you are amazing with your drawings! I love this bird and how neat he is drawn...no colors outside the lines. I don't even think I could do that so neatly! I can only read "clean" in what he has to say so you will have to let me know what the other word is. Love him and love you!
- AuntVickie on March 23, 2022
Which Transformer is this?!!! Looks like you are having fun playing with him! Love all of the colors you used and the smile on your face. Love you too!
- Aunt Vickie on February 23, 2022
Porter!!! You are becoming quite the artist! Is this a portrait of your mommy? Can't wait to sit for you to draw me one day. I love you!!!
- Aunt Vickie on February 23, 2022
I love the pastel colors, Porter!!! You did a beautiful job of using the perfect shades that blend so well together. I am so thrilled about your paintings and the artist you have become. I love you, Porter!
- Vickie on November 24, 2021
Porter, whoooo drewww this beautiful owl?!!! Youuuuu did a great job in choosing the perfect colors to make this hooty owl the happiest bird in the forest!
- Vickie on November 17, 2021
Wow Porter! This is really neat looking, beautiful color combinations. Keep up the good work! Love you Porter, Grampy
- Grampy on November 3, 2021
Wow, Porter, I love this one!!! Love the colors and how perfect you completed the circle. Great job!!! I love you most of all.
- Vickie on October 27, 2021
Porter!!! You are an artist and I love being able to see your paintings!!! Can’t wait to see what you will create next time! I love you.
- Aunt Vickie on October 6, 2021
Porter .... This is 'so you'! It says this is 'Kindergarten Abstract Line and Color.' But I know your title is more like 'Frown, about to TRANSFORM into a Smile.' I really like your own smiles. :( :( :( ??? :) :) :) Love you, Buddy.
- Peep on September 29, 2021
PORTER! That’s beautiful! Great Job!
- Grampy on September 29, 2021