Sarah33539's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Sarah33539's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love your camel Sarah! He looks so happy!!
- Grammie & Grandpa on June 15, 2022
Right away I knew your illustration was a drawing of the Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar! Good work!
- Grammie & Grandpa on May 11, 2022
Love your flowers Sarah! My favorite color flowers are blue ones. And you have some in your container!
- Grammie & Grandpa on May 11, 2022
Sarah...this is a great jack-o-lantern! We hadn't seen this before. Love it!
- Grammie & Grandpa on April 13, 2022
Looks yummy!
- Grammie & Grandpa on April 13, 2022
What a fancy mask!
- Grammie & Grandpa on April 13, 2022
That must be Kai under a nice cozy blanket! Love seeing all your artwork.
- Grammie & Grandpa on April 13, 2022
Love the fox in the birch trees! He looks very this Kai? Very nice use of color. You're an artist!
- Grammie & Grandpa on February 23, 2022