Molly12035's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about Molly12035's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love seeing your artwork! You and Mommy do great work together!
- Granmary on May 8, 2024
Hi Molly, I love your picture! I love your choice of colors... pink is MomMoms favorite color. See you soon ?
- Mommom on May 8, 2024
Hi Molly, I like all the different shapes and colors. The oblong circles remind me of Easter eggs. Good job!
- Mommom on February 14, 2024
Looks like something built on bridges! Nice job, Molly!
- GranMary on February 14, 2024
I love the way the colors are layered and blend together!
- Mary on December 20, 2023
Molly I love you very colorful bunny painting! My favorite of the whole year! Love. GranMary
- Mary on May 31, 2023
Hi Molly, this looks like a fun art project! Good job, it looks great.
- MomMom on April 26, 2023
Molly I love the colors on your pinch pot! You could use it to hold your favorite jewelry.
- GranMary on April 19, 2023
Hi Molly, good job on your art work. Which color is your favorite?
- Mommom on February 22, 2023
Love seeing your artwork, Molly! You do so many fun things with your family. It must have been hard to pick what to draw!
- GranMary on November 9, 2022
I love your artwork Molly. You did such a great job!!
- MomMom on November 2, 2022
Hi Molly, MomMom loves your apple ??
- Mommom on October 5, 2022
Love your apple, Molly!
- Granmary on October 5, 2022
Molly I like your textured bird project! The bird has a tricky looking smirk!
- GranMary on May 12, 2022
Hello Molly, you did a very good job on your art project!! Keep up the good work.
- MomMom on May 4, 2022
Hello Molly, Natie and I just viewed your new art project, we think it's wonderful, amazing and beautiful!! Good job and see you soon!
- MomMom & Natalie on April 19, 2022
I love your Thinks! I like the way you have them holding hands. Their hair gives them lots of personality!
- GranMary on April 19, 2022
I love your turtle ?? Molly. Did you give him or her a name?
- Mommom on March 9, 2022
Wow, I love your shape picture Sparkles! It is so colorful! You are becoming quite the artist! Keep up the great work!
- Sparkler K T on December 23, 2021
Molly, you sure did do a good job on all your shapes. I did noticed you used a lot of pink, MomMoms favorite color! Great job!
- Mommom on December 23, 2021
Hi Molly, I love your train! I love all the different colors that you used. I like that you included Daddy, Mommy you and Hannah in your picture. Good job!
- Mommom on December 23, 2021
I like your shape picture! I love the way you arrange the different colors!
- GranMary on October 29, 2021
Good job Molly, looks like you made all kinds of shapes!! Again, I love all the colors you used.
- Mommom on October 29, 2021
I love all the different colors in this picture!! Great job!!
- Mommom on October 20, 2021
I love your artwork Molly! Keep up the good work. I'm sure it's so special having Mommy as your teacher. Love to you all
- Mommom on October 20, 2021
Love seeing your art work Molly! I see lots of shapes in your painting!
- GranMary on October 20, 2021
I love your piece of artwork. It is so vivid and you used so many different types of lines!
- Mary on October 14, 2021
Great work on your line picture! Mom is so proud!
- Martha (Mother) on September 30, 2021
Great work on your line picture! Mom is so proud!
- Martha (Mother) on September 30, 2021
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