This artist seems to have me lost and found all at once! Wow! -- Uncle Neal
- on May 31, 2010
Viewing this image was a negatively positive experiencing trip! incredible! -- Uncle Neal
- on May 31, 2010
Again this young artist does the impossible! This is mind-boggling cold and warm all at once! And yet again has me loving this piece of art and hating it all at once! Why the conflict in feelings; I hate snow and I hate shoveling! -- Uncle Neal
- on May 31, 2010
The color scheme is brilliantly bright and dark all at the same time; the impossible made possible by a true genius. Complaint: reminds me of the top worst job I have to do in the fall; raking. -- Uncle Neal
- on May 31, 2010
I love both pictures, but this is a beautiful winter scene. Meghan is a very talented artist!!
- on May 19, 2010
Meghan -- Such beautiful work!!! You're such a good artist!!! I'm so proud of the work you do!! I love you!!! Love-Mom