Edward5842's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Edward5842's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I was so glad you were at my house when I opened this piece of art. You’re pretty good at painting! I love your flower, flower pot and the table it sits on! Keep up the good work and always do your best!! Love you!
- Jeanette on November 21, 2023
Edward, you amaze me. Every time I see something you've done, I've always got questions>. How did you make that? Did you start with black paper? Did you use chalk? Keep up the good work and let your art teacher know you appreciate her.
- Jeanette on March 15, 2023
This is an interesting piece of artwork. I'm wondering how you made it? It looks like you worked hard and were thoughtful about what you were doing. Keep up the great work.
- Jeanette on February 15, 2023
I first thought this was a picture of your mom with a cute necklace, but when I looked closer, that beaded necklace had your name on it! That's a cool picture that you drew, and then added the real necklace. So cool! Keep working hard.
- Jeanette on November 16, 2022
You've got me thinking on this one! I'm going to have to have you explain it to me. I'm also wondering what you used to create this project? Chalk? Paint? Keep up the good work. It always looks like you like art!
- GramC on October 27, 2022
I don't know if you explained to anyone, but I wanted everyone to know that when I asked you about this picture, I was right about the apples falling; and you told me the blue between the trees is a hammock! And now that you told me, I totally get it. Great job. I'm glad we talked about this!
- Jeanette on October 19, 2022
So let me know if I'm right or wrong...Those are 2 apple trees and apples have fallen from the sky. It looks like it's raining apples. I'm not sure about the blue between the trees -- is that a fence? I still love it and glad you work hard in art class.
- Jeanette on October 5, 2022
This is very interesting. I would love to know more about it. I see the yellow hexagons in the background thinking that you painted a bee. Am I right?
- Jeanette on September 21, 2022
I love this! It makes me happy just like the smile in this picture.
- Jeanette on September 21, 2022
Edward, I'm glad to see you know how to weave. This is an awesome project. Keep up the good work and Thank your Art Teacher, Mrs. Ludwig, for being an awesome teacher!
- Gram Cracker on September 21, 2022
This is an interesting piece of art. I'd love for you to tell me about it someday!
- Jeanette on September 21, 2022
Is that the whole world?
- Tonia on September 21, 2022
We need some snow so you can build one!
- Tonia on September 21, 2022
this looks like you got to spin the colors!! FUN!
- Tonia on September 21, 2022
love this! You need a sweater like that! Love you!
- Tonia on September 21, 2022