Declan3889's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Declan3889's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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i love the bubble letters here declan!! you surely are fantastic at showing off all of these TARA qualities!!
- Colleen (Mother) on August 28, 2024
Declan this is beautiful! I love your choice of color, it all blends so well! Keep up the great work Sweetheart! Love, mom mom
- Mom-Mom on August 13, 2024
Hi Declan: After looking at your artwork, I am pretty sure this picture is your best painting yet! I just love how you used the two bright colors of red and yellow and then softened it up with dark blue! The best part though was seeing your name "Declan" in the painting! Keep up the great work sweetheart!
- Mom-Mom on December 3, 2023
Declan, this painting is fantastic!! I love how you used such bright colors, orange, blue, green, yellow and black and how they all blend together! You are a genius! Keep up the wonderful work.
- Love, mom mom on December 3, 2023
Oh Declan this is positively beautiful!! It reminds me of one of my earrings! I love the color you used also. You definitely have an eye for color, keep up the great work dear. I miss you and love you!
- Mom-Mom on December 3, 2023
Hi Declan! It is so nice to see another picture you have created. It's been awhile so I am enjoying this immensely! I just love how you combine the colors of Blue, Green and Yellow. You make everything look so pretty! Keep up the great work, I look forward to seeing your next picture!
- Mom-Mom on December 3, 2023
Declan, this is just beautiful! I love how you used the dark color at the bottom and then the beautiful light colors at the top. It reminds me of Hurrican Ian being at the bottom and going away, because at the top is the sun and the beautiful blue sky. You did a wonderful job, keep up the great work dear! Love you always, mom mom
- Mom-Mom on December 3, 2023
Hi Declan, I love this picture! It is beautiful! Where do you get your ideas to color such wonderful pictures. You truly are very, very good at what you do. I also liked very much the picture that is posted on your refrigerator, which I saw this past weekend. You truly are an artist! I love you with all my heart! Love, mom mom
- Mom-Mom on December 3, 2023
Declan, You have proven to be once again a very talented artist! I just love your creativity and look forward to viewing everything you do. Keep up the great work dear, mom mom loves you to the moon and back! Love, mom mom
- Mom-Mom on December 3, 2023
Well Declan I see you have created another masterpiece. All I can say is "move over Picasso". Your colors and creativity show the depth of your imagination. I hope you continue this great talent throughout your life because you are the best. Love you to the moon and back, mom mom
- Mom-Mom on March 30, 2022
Declan, your art is the best!! You always use the prettiest colors which makes all of your pictures just beautiful!! Keep up the great work as I am sure you are on your way to being a world famous colorist!! Love, Mom mom
- Mom-Mom on February 23, 2022
My amazing artist! Declan, you did such a great job here buddy! Love all of the colors! It’s beautiful!
- Colleen (Mother) on November 2, 2021