Kaitlyn1237's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Kaitlyn1237's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Excellent work! Who is Marty and what does he have in his warehouse? Perhaps he has a 4-wheeler ATV that I could buy so that you and I could go 4-wheeling? Love you! Grandpa Dave
- on May 19, 2009
Beautiful kangroo! Is there really cacti (plural of cactus) in the Australian desert? Neat. By the way, does your kangaroo have the measles? Love you, Grandpa Dave
- on May 19, 2009
This is absolutely cool! It reminds me of a little "restaurante" that Nona and I visited in Mexico! I think the big one has Diet Coke and the small one has cream for my coffee. I'm not sure what is in the blue one. Perhaps Kool Aid? Love you! Grandpa Dave
- on April 17, 2009
Kaitlyn, O-Jo is very jealous of your abilities. Looks terrific!
- on April 16, 2009
This is awesome! It looks like a real stained-glass widow. Love you, Grandpa Dave
- on April 10, 2009
Hi Kaitlyn i love the super you art work u r cool!
- on March 25, 2009
Super picture! I can see you are flying over a city wearing your SuperWoman cape! However, it looks like you are flying upside down. Don't you get sick doing that? I certainly would. Love you, Grandpa Dave
- on March 5, 2009
Beautiful! However, I am a bit worried about the girl on your Grecian vase. She looks as if she is walking in a thunder and lightening storm! Yikes! Hope she does not get struck by lightening! She is carrying an umbrella though. That is a good thing. Nice work! Grandpa Dave
- on March 5, 2009
Hey I know this girl! Love you, Grandpa Dave
- on October 30, 2008
Neato! I can see all four seasons in this one picture. Extremely creative. Nice work. Love you, Grandpa Dave
- on October 30, 2008
Awesome! This is the first color corn maze that I have seen. Excellent work! Love you, Grandpa Dave
- on October 30, 2008
Ok. This one is scary....but I kinda like it! xoxo
- on October 9, 2008
Excellent drawing. Wish I could draw like that! Grandpa Dave
- on October 9, 2008
This is a neat picture of a bookbag with a little teeny tiny person captured inside of it. Cool!
- on October 9, 2008
This is excellent work! However, I'm wondering if this is a dragonfly heading to a blossoming apple tree branch or if it is a black widow spider being swatted at by a woman with a big stick. I think it is a dragonfly. Love you!
- on October 9, 2008