Where does the line begin and where does it end? This piece of art raises questions. Is it a guide to a treasure map? Can you find a way to measure the area that is red, blue, yellow or orange? When looking at it, my mind wants to think of it as an illustration of an object. I see a duck or a swan swimming in a lake. What do you see?
- Suwannee on December 19, 2024
This piece has me wondering.... is it a spider web or is it a snowflake on a window on a frosty morning? It could be either. Or, is it a pattern on shattered glass radiating from the center? Did you start with a white background or did you paint the white over the blue and purple background?
- Suwannee on December 4, 2024
Very nice way that you used different blue colors in this piece. It creates a depth to the subject that would be missing if you used only one block of color. Were you working with pastels? They are fun to use for blending colors.
- Suwannee on December 4, 2024
Oh Wow, do those donuts look delicious! Show these to Krispy Kreme!
- Suwannee on December 4, 2024
This piece of art seems to announce "autumn is coming". The colors radiating from around the leaf template remind me of looking up, through the leaves still clinging to the tree branches, at the glorious sun's rays on a clear blue day reaching all the way down to warm the earth below. It makes me smile and think, "I'd better go get my sweatshirt today."
- Suwannee on October 9, 2024
Very nice way that you used the subtle blended tones and tints. This makes me think that I am looking at something under a microscope. Is it cells of a vegetable? Nerve cells? I want to look closer. The green color is very soothing to the eye.
- Suwannee on September 25, 2024
Knox, These characters are tooo much fun! We could make a game from these guys! The colors and shapes are delightful and I can tell you were probably laughing while you were drawing them! Love, PenPen
- Penelope on May 22, 2024
Knox, Your fish painting is excellent! The colors you selected are so cool and I really like the multiple colors you used for his fins and scales. That seaweed looks just like it is moving! All your artwork makes me so happy! Love, PenPen
- Penelope on May 22, 2024
Knox, This dragon is soooo cute! And you KNOW I love his color-RED! I am so glad you and I share our favorite color! This feisty dragon looks like he's dancing! Now THIS is a dragon I could love! Keep up these fantastic fun artworks- I am really enjoying collecting them. Love, PenPen
- Penelope on May 22, 2024
Ha! What do you call your dragon? He looks like a happy, friendly dragon to me, playing in a field, flying kites, jumping up into the wind as if he wants the kites to lift him up into the sky so he can fly! Is he a happy dragon or a frightening dragon? Have you ever heard the song, "Puff, the magic Dragon" ?
- Suwannee on May 22, 2024
WOW!! Knox I LOVE your self portrait collage! I see you got ALL your favorite sports represented, your favorite color and the biggest thought bubble ever! You are verrrrry creative, which I dearly love. I think you truly captured your seven year old self! Excellent work and I hope you continue on this super fun path. Love, PenPen
- Penelope on April 24, 2024
I love, love LOVE those Valentines! Very nice usage of patterns.
- Suwannee on February 21, 2024
Oh Knox! These hearts just make MY heart sing!! I absolutely adore this!! I MUST order some things!! Keep up this wonderful artwork of yours sweet doll!
- Penelope on February 21, 2024
This piece reminds me of so many things. Is it a piece of jewelry. a coin, a doorknob, an ancient warrior's shield? Very nice use of patterns and design.
- Suwannee on January 17, 2024
Wow, I really like the way you used the contrast of the black against the blue, pink, and golden colors. It makes me think of burnt trees from a forest silhouetted against the sky. What do you see?
- Suwannee on January 17, 2024
Knox, this is absolutely one of my very favorites! The colors are great and your design is both dynamic and interesting, That zigzag border makes everything even better! Everyday you get better and better!
- Penny Pen Kelsch on December 20, 2023
Knox, This little guy is so cute! I love your color combinations too! You are definitely a budding artist.
- Penny Pen Kelsch on December 20, 2023
Knox, I love your leaves! The color gradations are deliciously vibrant!
- Penny Pen Kelsch on December 20, 2023
Nice Cityscape. I love how you included cars, buildings, high rise skyscrapers, movie theater and people in the windows!
- Suwannee on November 29, 2023
Love your most recent artwork! It's beautiful and makes me feel so cheerful!
- Suwannee on November 14, 2023
Knox! I LOVE the colors and your design!! You are a very talented artiste! I am so proud of you and your wonderful artwork! Love, PenPen
- Penelope on November 14, 2023
Wow! What an interesting piece! It makes me think of an ancient coin or artifact, or medallion to be used as some kind of clasp for a cloak! Very creative.
- Suwannee on November 14, 2023
What a cool piece of art!
- Suwannee on November 14, 2023
Such a great variety of green colors! Is the animal a bird, an insect, a lizard, a frog? It is camouflaged against the green leaf. I am curious, what animal is it from South America? South America has so many different terrains- mountains, desert, rain forest, jungle, grasslands, beaches , glaciers and just as many different animals. What could this one be?
- Suwannee on May 3, 2023
Knox- I love this little guy! Your colors are fantastic- he reminds me of Jiminy Cricket! Love PenPen
- Penelope on May 3, 2023
What a beautiful butterfly! You not only incorporated symmetry in your design, you have also balanced the entire design, horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. Great job Knox! Butterflies are so beautiful and also amazing examples of intricate engineering design. They start out in appearance as lowly caterpillars then change completely into amazing flying machines! Think of it this way- imagine a simple skateboard rolling into your garage, then a few days later it comes out of the garage as a fighter jet! and a masterpiece of art! It's a miracle of engineering design, much like the Transformer toys you like so much. How do those delicate iridescent wings not only hold up the butterfly's body, but manage to fly it thousands of miles across entire continents fueled only by the nectar of flowers? Where I live there is a blue butterfly. It's habitat is along a small coastal corridor. It is a protected species because it's endangered right now. Everyone takes notice when we see a blue butterfly light onto some yellow and white flowers gently blowing in the ocean breeze. Keep up your great artwork and always be curious about the world of nature all around you.
- Suwannee on March 23, 2023
Hey Knox! I LOVE your butterfly! Not only does it show the symmetry you were studying, it reminds me of the great stained glass artist Roualt! When I see you we can look up his work and you will see what I mean. I LOVE this! You are a wonderful artist just like PenPen! Love, PenPen
- Penelope on March 23, 2023
Wow! that's a cool piece of art. You are incorporating patterns and different shapes. I like it alot.
- Suwannee on March 23, 2023
Nice work with a neutral color palette. Reminds me of an onion, or even a puff of smoke.
- Suwannee on January 18, 2023
Knoxter! I love your falls cape. This looks like a huge haystack! I love the way you used the chalk or crayon! Yes, you ARE an artist, just like PenPen!
- Penny Pen Kelsch on January 4, 2023
Ha! I still remember when I wint to Disney too! Your drawing made me remember how much fun I had.
- Suwannee on November 2, 2022
This exploding cupcake makes my mouth water!! I am especially impressed by your cast shadow!! Very good observation!!
- PenPen on November 2, 2022
These colors are some of my very favorites Knox! This reminds me of art by Marisse and Gauguin-2 of my all time favorites!
- PenPen on November 2, 2022
Knox, you KNOW how much I love this one! I LOVE my cutting board with this cool design on it!
- PenPen on November 2, 2022
Knox, I LOVE your colorful memory of your Disney vacation!! You are really becoming quite an accomplished artist, Knox!! I am sooooo proud of you! I am definitely adding this to my collection of artwork by Knox! Love, PenPen
- PenPen on November 2, 2022
PaPa and MaeMae love your picture!
- Mae Mae Stern on November 2, 2022
Oh Wow! This reminds me of an illustration for a cool cartoon. In the middle it makes me think of a scary entrance to the castle , the teeth are the gate. Where is the drawbridge?
- Suwannee on November 2, 2022
Cool color wheel creature. The circle and each of the sections are very accurate and precise. Each section is the same size and the complementary colors are correct and in the appropriate spaces. Have you seen any of your grandmother's color wheels? Your creature reminds me of a turkey. What do you think?
- Suwannee on March 23, 2022
Knox, what a fun drawing! Great adaptation of a color wheel! Looks like you made it into a big fat turkey!! I love it!!
- PenPen on March 23, 2022
oh Knox!! You KNEW I was going to LOVE this!! Of course our favorite color is the dominant one!! I am so very proud of you my great little artist!
- PenPen on March 23, 2022
Wow! This piece reminds me of artwork by the famous artist Mondrian. Keep up the good work Knox!
- Suwannee on March 23, 2022
Hey Knoxter! I LOVE your sunflower art!! Reminds me of the great Van Gogh! That fantastic RED background really sets off the sunflower!! I am so proud of the artist you are!! Love, Pen Pen
- Penny Pen Kelsch on November 3, 2021
What a cheerful piece of art! "Hello Sunshine!" Keep it up Knox.
- Suwannee on November 3, 2021
I am liking these pieces of art Knox. This one makes me think of several different things. First, it reminds me of a Transformer or the cartoon character Sponge Bob Square Pants. Second, if I imagine that I am looking at it from high above in the sky, it looks like it could be buildings around a park or a lake. What do you say it is?
- Suwannee on October 27, 2021
Hey Knox! I LOVE your shape monster! AlsoI like the way you added clouds and trees and buildings! Very observant! I am soooooooo proud of you and your artwork buddy-ro! Pen Pen
- Penny Pen Kelsch on October 27, 2021
Beautiful! Reminds me of a fall plant/garden!
- Ellen (Mother) on October 21, 2021
Knox, We love your picture! The colors you used are so pretty. We can’t wait to see your next picture! Mae Mae and PaPa
- Mae Mae on October 27, 2021
Wow! Knox this is fabulous!! I need some of these to frame!!Keep it up and you will be the next Matisse!!
- Penny Pen Kelsch on October 27, 2021
Knox, this is wonderful! Very dynamic!! And I love that red!!
- Penny Pen Kelsch on October 27, 2021
fantastic Knox!! I love the colors!! And I love your line quality and composition buddy!!
- Penny Pen Kelsch on October 27, 2021
Very nice design, use of color, and interpretation of "line". Love the repetitive strokes of the brush in the patterned lines. The painting reminds me of a huge whale rising up from the waves with a catch in its mouth! Keep up the good work! Artists Rule!