Isla1765's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Isla1765's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I only just saw this one in your portfolio. I love sunflowers! This one would make a nice framed print for the wall in my kitchen. I painted one wall sunflower yellow. Maybe we can get one printed and you can sign it for me? I really like the way the red background is blended, I think it gives it some texture and makes the flower look like it's blowing in the wind a little bit. Nicely done!
- Aunt Jana on April 12, 2023
Strawberry Shortcake's house! I really like your use of shadow and shading in this piece, and how you put the shadow exactly in the right place for where the sun is in the picture. How did you know to do that? I'm excited to see if you create any artwork with your puppy in it. You know how much I love the puppies!
- Aunt Jana on April 10, 2023
This is the one I sent you as a postcard, but I realized I forgot to comment on it here. I love the multi-media art here. The texture and the way the light reflects off of the different shapes is so cool!
- Aunt Jana on April 10, 2023
I just noticed you're wearing a rainbow on your swimsuit in this picture! I like that you drew fish and plants and that you used the different blues to show the water and the sky.
- Aunt Jana on April 10, 2023
Isla, I love this piece of art! It looks like stained glass! The colors are so vibrant! We have had so much snow here in Utah! This butterfly makes me very ready for Spring! Beautiful! Love you!
- Aunt Jana on April 5, 2023