My oh my those eyes! Beautiful big green eyes...hmmm...I know someone just like that too! And with the same sense of humor with the tongue sticking out. Too Cute!
- Carla (Mother) on January 9, 2025
Love these!!!!
- Carla (Mother) on January 8, 2025
The designs are very colorful, and I like the different shapes within the designs. - Aunt Jenny
- Dan And Jenny Hefty on January 8, 2025
You did the ears, eye and nose very nicely and the hearts show up good on the pink background. - Aunt Jenny
- Dan And Jenny Hefty on January 8, 2025
These are cute mittens and the stripes and colors are very pretty! - Aunt Jenny
- Dan And Jenny Hefty on January 8, 2025
Allison, Your pixel mittens are amazing! I really like the pretty stripped color lines of blue, red and pink. I can tell you worked really hard to make the stripped lines narrow and straight! Also shading in the word HidE is cleverly done! Great Job !
- Aunt Ann on January 8, 2025
Allison, I like the way you blended the colors to make the feathers look realistic on you wise owl! It’s eyes appear to be spooky with the white, green, and black colors you used! I think if this owl was real, it would have a happy hoot! Love it!
- Aunt Ann on January 8, 2025
I like the eyes ! and all the detail on the body. -Aunt Jenny
- Dan And Jenny Hefty on January 8, 2025
This is a great art project! I like all the different square sizes and shapes! Looking at the picture the larger squares appear to be closer than the smaller squares! This I think would be difficult to draw! I can tell you worked very hard to make the sides of equal length correct! Love the colors you used too!
- Aunt Ann on January 8, 2025
I like your colorful boxes. You did a very good job staying in the lines of the boxes when coloring.
- Rosemary on January 8, 2025
I like all the colors on your long, one eyed creature! It appears to have a curly tongue for eating bugs ! Very creative! - Aunt Jenny
- Dan And Jenny Hefty on January 8, 2025
I like this very colorful " thing " that will worm its ways into my heart and say " I love you. " Rosemary
- Rosemary on November 13, 2024
Allison, I really like your three dimensional paper chameleon! I can tell that you chose many colorful watercolors! I love the blues, green, reds, pink, brown and black outlining! I like the head with the pointed mouth and google eyes! I also like that you gave your chameleon a name! Great job kiddo!
- Aunt Ann on November 13, 2024
What a creative creature, has eyes like a snail, ears like a cat, spots that look like hearts an a cute little hat. Love the colors too!
- Aunt Jenny on October 9, 2024
Allison, I love this drawing because it got my imagination going. I could see this being an alien called Mr. Egg Space. In my imagination I can see Mr. Egg Space turning his eyes back and forth independently of each other so he can see to the back and front at the same time or side to side at the same time. The small hat is a great idea as it doesn't interfere with his sight. I like the colors you used, the different style of lines, and, of course, you knew I would love the hearts. GOOD JOB
- Rosemary on September 30, 2024
Allison, ?? the size of your orange colorful Halloween friendly monster with hearts on its skin, ears, funny teeth, antenna feelers, and cute black hat with a bow!
- Aunt Ann on September 30, 2024
Love the big monster!
- Aunt Jean on September 25, 2024
Allison I like your colorful clay mug! I can tell you worked very hard to get the interesting shape! I especially like the big handle which makes it easy to hold on too! I think you could grow a plant in it! Awesome Work!
- Aunt Ann on February 2, 2022
Allison, what a nice project. It looks like a mug you can use to drink hot chocolate from. The color of the hot chocolate and the colors of your mug will look nice together. It must have taken a lot of patience to get the handle on correctly. You are learning more all the time. I am so proud of you.
- Grandma Boone on February 2, 2022
I am so excited to finally see your clay mug! You have anticipated this day for awhile. You learned that some art tskes many steps and a whole lot of patience! It wad so worth it! This mug is perfectly colored and would go well with a warm beverage and blanket! Very nice my love! Keep it up!
- Carla (Mother) on January 11, 2022
It’s a cup made with clay and you painted it so nicely! It’s FUN working with clay and making things.
- Aunt Jenny Hefty & Uncle Dan on January 11, 2022
The color placement is very unique! I see a sample of plaid for a warm shirt i would love to have! Nice work!
- Carla (Mother) on December 15, 2021
The steam coming from your cure cup makes me smile and say yummmm! I cant wait to feel the warmth on my face, smell the chocolate and feel the warm drink in my tummy! All the senses are working! Love it! Good job- rocked this one!
- Carla (Mother) on December 15, 2021
Allison this art picture reminds me of a hot beverage, perhaps coffee, hot chocolate or tea! I would say it is your favorite mug because of the heart designs on the mug! I like the all the colors you have used in your drawing! Terrific drawing!
- Aunt Ann on December 15, 2021
I'm not sure if this a cup of coffee or hot chocolate but in either case, the picture makes me feel warm and cozy. I like how the cup is decorated with hearts. Keep up the good work, Allison. Grandma Boone
- Rosemary on December 15, 2021
This is definitely a nice warm cup of hot chocolate! I like all the hearts on the cup too! The designs in the background are pretty neat too!
- Aunt Jenny on December 15, 2021
This reminds me of the stain glass windows at the church. I think you used very good colors. - Aunt Jenny
- Aunt Jenny on December 15, 2021
I love the colors of this art work, especially the bright blue. I like the way the lines are spaced out in different widths making the rectangles different sizes. It makes this an exciting picture. When you color, I see you are staying inside the lines good. GOOD JOB. Great grandma Boone
- Rosemary on December 15, 2021
Hi! Allison, I love how you have used crisscrosses black lines to make grids of blocks forming different size rectangles and squares! The primary colors of blue, red and yellow are very pretty! Awesome job, love your art work! Aunt Ann
- Aunt Ann on December 15, 2021
My up and coming artist what beautiful colors! I would turn this into a big wall art or horse blanket to snuggle in. Only happy days with this fun design! Good work! Keep it up!
- Carla (Mother) on November 16, 2021
Allison, Your art work is very colorful and beautiful! I think that you used some very pretty water colors and a brushed back and forth to make the special designs! The green thread on the sides is cool looking too! Great job little girl!
- Aunt Ann on November 16, 2021
What a pretty blanket, I like all the different designs you made on it. The colors are nice and lots of neat strings on each end too! - Aunt Jenny
- Dan And Jenny Hefty(fan) on November 16, 2021
This art work reminds me of looking into a woods on a sunny, warm Fall day. Your lines remind me of tree shapes and the colors, the leaves. I love it. Grandma Boone
- Rosemary on November 16, 2021
I love this piece of art work! It is a perfect letter A for your first name Allison!I like the color pink just like you! Keep up the pretty art work young lady!
- Aunt Ann(fan) on September 27, 2021
How pretty you colored your letter A Lots of neat colors to make your letter look GREAT ! Aunt Jenny
- Dan And Jenny Hefty(fan) on September 22, 2021
A is for Allison. A is for amazing. I love your colors. Good job. I look forward to your next artwork. Love Great Grandma Boone
- Rosemary(fan) on September 22, 2021
Great start Allison! I look forward to seeing your creations.
- Aunt Jean(fan) on September 22, 2021
I LOVE all the bright colors!
You used so many colors and patterns!
This artwork makes me smile
and feel happy!
Good job kiddo!