Thomas24490's Comments (38)

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Below are comments about Thomas24490's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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A home to many animals. A barn was necessary if one planned on raising animals. Many are much like children. Playing at a nearby pond. Lying in the lush green grass. Wondering how the grass tastes to the sheep. Does it taste different to the cows and chickens? Will the farmer remember which bale is for feeding and which is for my bed? Straw and hay look the same to me. What makes it different? I think it’s time to get out of the classroom and visit a farm! Let’s go soon. I have lots of questions . Hope to see you there! A colorful piece of work with many details leading the viewer to wonder about how each is used. It’s a very happy piece of Art.
- Peggy on February 19, 2025
Is this a baseball star or you in the future? Whomever he is you did a great job. You are taking your time and it shows. Perfection!
- Great Aunt Peggy on May 8, 2024
This is beautiful! The colors are so vibrant and your use of contrasting colors keeps your eyes drawn to the smoothness of everything. How did you do this? This might be my absolute favorite this year. You are so very talented!
- Great Aunt Peggy on May 8, 2024
This 3 dimensional drawing looks so great. I think I’d like a small slice from each layer! Yummy You just keep getting better!
- Peggy on January 31, 2024
Awesome Nutcracker! Your lines and details used to create him are very creative. I knew exactly what he was intended to be-A Nutcracker.
- Peggy on December 6, 2023
Beautiful! Love the jewels on your vase! XOXO
- Peggy on November 1, 2023
Very interesting! Very cool picture! Awesome fish, great starfish wallpaper. And the vase itself is just perfect.
- Peggy on November 1, 2023
Beautiful pots, fancy cacti, and the gradient background?? magnificent! I love all your artwork, but I think this is my second Favorite piece of work! You have an excellent art teacher and she has a student that excels in her art class. Congratulations!
- Peggy on November 1, 2023
A definite showing of how we are all the same no matter what our differences might be.
- Peggy on October 25, 2023
This is a beautiful work of Art! I think you listened to your teacher as you should, because I see great detail using various media she mentioned in her plans. You have so many interesting facets about you and they are all amazing. Much love great nephew!
- Peggy on October 25, 2023
Very nice work. You are progressing nicely.
- Peggy(fan) on September 27, 2023
Still my favorite.
- Peggy(fan) on September 27, 2023
- Peggy on September 27, 2023
I have always wanted to own a Pollock. This is wonderfully created. You’ll have to inform me how I can get my own replica of this. I ?? it. Great creation.
- Peggy on March 22, 2023
Love your use of color. Especially the stand out color of red. This looks like a creative piece of artwork. I love your depth perception and creativity. Your table and fish are very complimentary. Aunt P. Is proud of your talent! ??
- Peggy on March 8, 2023
Nana just loves his art he does good work.
- Nancy on March 1, 2023
Nana just loves his art he does good work.
- Nancy on March 1, 2023
Nana just loves his art he does good work.
- Nancy on March 1, 2023
I love the contrast of the red and blue along with the beginning of a lovely snowfall. The cardinal, which is your state bird, is my favorite bird. This one is a boy cardinal. The males or boys are bright red to attract his girlfriend.
- Peggy on January 25, 2023
What a beautiful picture! How were you able to make it look like the leaves are crocheted? Your Nana will be surprised. I love your choice and placement of colors. ??????????
- Peggy on January 25, 2023
This is a great self image of you as you enjoy your kitties and beautiful day. My how you are growing up. This is really cool artwork.????????
- Peggy on January 25, 2023
Your geometric owl is beautiful with all the colors you chose to help him express how he feels while hanging out on a tree limb and enjoying his day. BEAUTIFUL! ??
- Peggy on January 25, 2023
?????? This is the perfect monster for Halloween. It is perfect!????? One of your best pieces of ART! Frankenstein has been around for Halloween movies since I was your age and I still love him. He was a great actor.
- Peggy on January 25, 2023
I like how you went from careless coloring on the octopus to trying a little harder to stay in lines. It shows you care about your artwork. Plus, by trying harder makes your artwork looks more attractive.
- Peggy on January 25, 2023
Great picture and I love the colors that you chose to use. You are a very good artist.
- Anita on January 18, 2023
Your art work is very creative and colorful and I love it.
- Anita on October 26, 2022
This is a great and colorful piece of artwork. I can see you in this young boy. I like that you included pets in your picture it shows your compassion for animals. I also love the green grass of summer and the beautiful blue sky. School will be out soon and you’ll be able to play outside every summer day. ?????????????????????
- Peggy on April 27, 2022
This Mother’s Day artwork will put a smile on your mother’s face. I love the bracelet touches that you added, too. Awesome as usual
- Peggy on April 27, 2022
What fun it would be under water watching all your drawings in real time. I wonder which one would really scare off that mean looking shark, if any of them would I bet it’s the octopus ??!!! Keep up your artistic fun you are doing a great job!
- Peggy on April 13, 2022
Quite artistic and creative once again. I like that you never chose the typical red for your valentines. You chose creativity! You impress me with each drawing. Keep up the great artistry!
- Peggy on February 23, 2022
He did a very good job on this.
- Nancy on February 16, 2022
Red and yellow, Blue and black, We are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world! A great statement piece of Artwork! ????????
- Peggy on January 5, 2022
Hello T.D.?? Your use of color is delightful. I do love pie, so count me at the table whenever you serve up a delicious looking slice of pie such as these. I’ve tried them all except the key lime. When we ever get to go out to dinner, let’s split one! ?? Keep up the beautiful and interesting art work!
- Peggy on January 5, 2022
Wow, what a happy and friendly pumpkin! I love his expression. Another excellent learning experience. Very cool! ??
- Peggy on October 20, 2021
Great way to look at what is happening above and below the ground when growing a garden or just a few plants. This is terrific.
- Peggy on October 20, 2021
Thomas, this is such a great and unusual piece of artwork. I particularly like your use of color in your design. It looks like a symmetrical healthy eating creation. I’m impressed.??
- Peggy on October 20, 2021
Great Job, love the colors, very realistic.
- Keith on October 13, 2021
Well Dylan you have become a good little artist. Keep it up little man, great job.
- Anita on October 13, 2021