Katie17560's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Katie17560's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Katie, I'll bet you had fun making this doggie! Is it Lily?
- Gramma on January 31, 2024
Katie, you did a teddy bear with a really fancy sweater!
- Gramma on January 31, 2024
Katie, I like your sense of humor! Your picture makes me smile.
- Gramma on January 31, 2024
Those are cute ladybugs, Katie! And nice tall grass. I like your scene.
- Gramma on January 31, 2024
Very clever, Katie! The snowman is enjoying the snow coming down! Nice job!
- Gramma on January 31, 2024
An elephant with designs! Pretty neat!
- Gramma on January 31, 2024
Katie, I like your colors in this artwork. I like your night sky with stars and your house. And you have an owl in his house, too!
- Gramma on January 31, 2024
Katie, that's a tall ladder! I really like your purples and blues and your design, and I like your lively character who's climbing the ladder! Nice job!
- Gramma on January 31, 2024
Nice Halloween kitty, Katie! I like it!
- Gramma on January 31, 2024
Katie, I like this one! Nice colors that "pop." It makes me feel like I want to make one, too. Nice design.
- Gramma on October 12, 2022
Hi Katie! I like your checkered pumpkin! It reminds me of a quilt. Very nice.
- Gramma on October 12, 2022
Katie, I like the way you took your little squares and made this little creature. Very imaginative!
- Gramma Nancy on February 1, 2022
I do like this turkey! So cute and colorful
- Gramma Nancy on February 1, 2022
I love the expression - very cute!
- Cheryl (Mother) on January 25, 2022
I love it!
- Cheryl (Mother) on January 25, 2022
So cute! :-)
- Cheryl (Mother) on December 15, 2021