Leon1433's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about Leon1433's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Handsome trinity of flowers standing tall anthropomorphically: Lord Sun bound to Boy primarily and to Girl, disclosing an ascent--a ladder--most thorny, though promising reward of reconciliation between male angles and female curves. Symbolisms of a blooming mind!
- Marco (Father) on May 12, 2023
Lovely Apple that exposes itself to a theological reading: children learning about clay might come to see that no smile can adequately replace the divine breath of life that alone allows us not to relapse into the "clay" of Genesis 2. So, Lad, beware of smiles distracting us from the emptiness of nonchalantly bitten fruits.
- Marco (Father) on April 18, 2023
The Central heart is incomparably superior to the "pop" (Keith Haring style) ones surrounding it. Now the dotted (self-congratulatory?) frame surrounding the small competing hearts comes to resemble a barbed wire barrier allowing a heart to stand within the heart, unframed.
- Marco (Father) on March 22, 2023
Fine job, but it is quite unfortunate that children are being incited to further identify with digitalised entities. As if he systematic, pervasive use of computers of various sorts were not enough; as it technocracy did not already attack them from enough quarters. My boy needs to break out of digital cages, both in his life and his drawings--not be driven into them.
- Marco (Father) on March 22, 2023
Solar restoration! Bold and gentle. Inviting collaboration in rising above a grey one-dimensional context. Good work, my lad!
- Marco (Father) on February 10, 2023
"virtual" Fallen gnome crying out for colour! Save him, my boy!
- Marco (Father) on December 14, 2022
The natural order of things, with the little man already full of strength. If only they let him draw his own pictures! (Is someone afraid of what you might say therein? Is the un-controlled child a menace to the regime?)
- Father on December 14, 2022
The natural order of things, with the little man already full of strength. If only they let him draw his own pictures! (Is someone afraid of what you might say therein? Is the un-controlled child a menace to the regime?)
- Marco (Father) on December 3, 2022
That leaf reconstituted as an Indian Feather has a smile at its feet and a beak on its head. (Next time maybe you'll be painting more freely...)
- Marco (Father) on November 17, 2022
Those pumpkins are suns fallen on earth, while those leaves and clouds emerge as wings to raise all that is in the night, so that even the Moon may fly! (Just wish you were drawing/colouring all that on your own, without relying so much on cut outs.)
- Marco Andreacchio on November 17, 2022
Complex simplicity. Behind the homogenising asphalt road ("follow the yellow-trace road") lies a twofold world: the warm "positive" side on the left, the cold "negative" one on the right. As the pizza slice points to the primacy of the regal Sun where clouds become His subjects (why they dare not step before the King, but submit behind and below), behind the road of meaninglessness, the Pizza-Castle has taken a sharp stance (sharp indeed are its edges) echoed by the semicircles confirming the quarter-circle marked by the pizza sign in the direction of the full-circle given by the solar disk: the Sun is triumphant only on one side of the hemisphere and our Home is there to mark the boundaries of victory. God Bless you my Boy!
- Marco (Father) on October 5, 2022
Sunset as Imposing Stronghold: impressive castle, even as the Sun remains behind elegant bars--awaiting liberation? Painting of Character: Congratulations Lad!
- Marco (Father) on September 13, 2022
The bird of Paradise has risen! (What a divine coincidence--for just shortly prior to your drawing this, we had considered the bird illustrations in Leonardo's Fables book.)
- Marco (Father) on June 7, 2022
Balance of shapes and hues finely tuned, where the sun gifts a cold landscape with the warmth of hope (green is its colour)--incarnated by the Turtle, in whom the World finds its lively redemption. Amen, Léon!
- Marco (Father) on May 22, 2022
Innocent character born of a gracefully patriotic shell: the balance of fading forms held together by the spirit of ingenuity of a resilient soul.
- Marco (Father) on May 17, 2022
The still sprint of the inquisitive gaze, both in shape and in colours. Well done, Léon!
- Marco (Father) on May 17, 2022
That is God shining through your innocence, Lad! Congratulations for the Excellent Work! See you soon, my Son.
- Marco (Father) on March 23, 2022
What counts here is the love that is "marginalised" and "cornered" outside the Purple Gate. That is where your "Day" begins! God bless that Day!
- Marco Andreacchio on March 2, 2022
Bravo Léon! Outstanding example of how the dominant forefront of things points back to (and is contradicted by) a truth running in the background "against the current". Fine is the colouring, but excellent is the drawing, especially of the orange "boy" fish turning away from tiny "girl" fish; and of seaweed confirming the two boys' choice to swim against the flow. For smart boys know that the crab's battle to bring down dominant trends is a lost cause.
- Marco (Father) on February 10, 2022
This saddest of racoons stands as a prince awaiting blooming--by his lonesome flower--pierced by a sun ray, confined to a pink world that is not his own. Patience my prince! Be strong my lad.
- Marco (Father) on January 13, 2022
Sad snowman strangled, cornered, trapped in a house that has become a prison. May he be strong enough as he awaits liberation! Your father is with you my little snowman!
- Marco (Father) on December 17, 2021
A strong girl knows how to pretend to be mean.
- Marco Andreacchio on November 17, 2021
The dynamism of playful stasis.
- Marco on November 17, 2021
That yong warrior is successfully pretending to be mean. But she knows she's not. The intriguing dynamism of playful stasis.
- Marco Andreacchio on November 17, 2021
Leaves of hope, gifts of earnest labor. Let's give each other a hand!
- Marco (Father) on October 29, 2021
The colors and shapes of innocent perplexity.
- Marco Andreacchio on October 20, 2021
Fearsome Totem exorcising all fear! May it succeed beyond the reaches of all nefarious influences.
- Marco (Father) on September 24, 2021
Skyscrapers came to life as sunflowers tending towards the light. Vibrant painting!
- Marco (Father) on September 10, 2021
Fair start given cutout limitations. Good natured bear, though, must say something of maker.
- Marco (Father) on September 7, 2021
Geometry come to life with great psychological interplay between "mice". Who's eating that cheese?
- Marco (Father) on September 7, 2021