Everyone was right. The sunflowers look fantastic. The whole painting employed color, geometric shapes, and shading really well to give it realistic looking depth. Great job!
- Ms. Boyer on May 13, 2021
Love your detail!
- K. Shanoskie on May 13, 2021
I love this! Absolutely beautiful!
- K. Shanoskie on May 13, 2021
This is my favorite of your work! The colors and composition are beautiful.
- Mrs Housel on May 13, 2021
- Edith (teacher at Gillingham Charter School) on May 13, 2021
- Edith (teacher at Gillingham Charter School) on May 13, 2021
This needs to be in a frame!! Beautiful!!
- Mrs. Karen Bevan on May 13, 2021
This is an awesome work. Like I told you, I can see this piece in a gallery.
- Mark on May 13, 2021
Gavyn, this piece of artwork is stunning! The bright colors and unique use of shape is what makes this piece so exceptional! You have a true talent!
- Mrs. Murphy on May 13, 2021
Gavyn, this is beautiful! I like how the colors pop when on the neutral background. You put a lot of thought and effort into the color choices you made for each part, it gives the flowers and vase such depth and dimension. You are very talented, and I enjoy that you (and your siblings from the looks of the gallery) are so active in your creativity outside of school!
- Mrs. Sirkot on May 13, 2021
That looks so good!
- Brylee on May 13, 2021
This is amazing! Learning bonsai is on my bucketlist. Great job!
- Mrs.Breen on May 13, 2021
This is so cool Gavyn! I love how geometric it is!
- Trinda (teacher at Gillingham Charter School) on May 13, 2021
Bonsai Trees are really cool! I'm glad you chose this!
- Tyler (teacher at Gillingham Charter School) on May 13, 2021
Cool looking plant!
- Mrs. Steiff on May 13, 2021
This is amazing! I absolutely love the shapes, angles, and colors of this photo. Sunflowers are my favorite, and this picture makes me love them more! Such a cool piece!
- Ms. Romanelli on May 13, 2021
This is amazing! I absolutely love the shapes, angles, and colors of this photo. Sunflowers are my favorite, and this picture makes me love them more! Such a cool piece!
- Ms. Romanelli on May 13, 2021
Gavyn, the shading you did in this is so well done!
- Mrs. Kercher on May 13, 2021
Very nice piece. Love the colors. Mosiacs make me almost as happy as sunflowers. :) Good job!
- Mrs.Breen on May 13, 2021
SOO Impressive. I love how you used red to contrast with the green! Nice job bud!
- Ms. Nguyen on May 13, 2021
Some of your best schoolwork ?
- Mallory (Mother) on May 13, 2021
This is really beautiful. Can you make me one in purple, and u can hang it in the living room? ?