Heaven2366's Comments (31)

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Below are comments about Heaven2366's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Sweetie you are very talented. Good job munchkin!!
- Babci(fan) on May 26, 2021
Reminds me of summer days. Great job.
- Babci(fan) on May 24, 2021
Reminds me of summer days. Great job.?
- Babci(fan) on May 24, 2021
This artwork is very calming. Good work Heaven.
- Aunt Diane on May 24, 2021
2366 Very pretty. Such talent. Is there a G on the small one?
- Babci(fan) on May 19, 2021
Oh my! This is a beautiful piece, I love the poem and picture! Super impressive!
- Anastasia on May 14, 2021
This is outstanding!
- Jenna(fan) on May 14, 2021
You're eagle is fantastic! Great job!
- Nurse Danielle on May 14, 2021
God bless America!
- K. Shanoskie on May 14, 2021
I don't like the snow, but I LOVE this picture Heaven!! It really captures a true snowy scene.
- Mrs. Khan on May 14, 2021
Very nice! Love the way you depicted the sky! Great job!
- Mrs.Breen on May 14, 2021
Well done! Keep it up!
- Mrs. Montejo on May 14, 2021
This is absolutely beautiful! So cozy and peaceful. It instantly makes me feel calm.
- Ms. Romanelli on May 14, 2021
I really like the black & white combo for this work!
- Tyler (teacher at Gillingham Charter School) on May 14, 2021
Great scaling of the map!
- Miss Lott on May 14, 2021
So patriotic! I like this a lot!
- Miss Lott on May 14, 2021
I don't know how you did this, but I really like the way the snow in the tree looks. It gives me the impression of a fine snow drifting with a slight breeze. And what a beautiful poem-- reminds me of something Emily Dickinson or Robert Frost would have written.
- Magister Potteiger on May 14, 2021
Heaven, One of my favorite seasons is Spring. With it's lush greens and vibrant pinks and purples, it's a feast for the visual senses. Regardless, this piece of art depicting a stoic winter scene combined with such a delicate poem, makes me question if winter might actually be my favorite season. You should be proud!
- Charlesworth on May 14, 2021
Heaven, I clicked on your name because I saw your beautiful Eagle painting but then I saw this. All I can say is, WOW! I really thought this was an ad from the company. Great shading!
- Ms. Meza on May 14, 2021
Heaven this is beautiful! I love the contrast with the black and white on the tree.
- Trinda (teacher at Gillingham Charter School) on May 14, 2021
Wow, Heaven! I personally have always enjoyed doing copywork of the map, trying to get all the curves and details of the borders are a relaxing task! You did a beautiful job with the borders, and the separate colors and labels help see each continent clearly.
- Mrs. Sirkot on May 14, 2021
I think I may have to buy this one on some art work.
- Mrs Housel on May 14, 2021
This looks so neat, Heaven!
- Mrs. Kercher on May 14, 2021
Your map looks so accurate!
- Mrs. Steiff on May 14, 2021
Very patriotic!
- Ms. Altemose on May 14, 2021
Love this!! The bald eagle looks very majestic!
- Mrs. Bevan on May 14, 2021
This is beautiful work! It looks like something that should be sold in a store!
- Ms. Dove on May 14, 2021
Love the stars on the background!
- Miss Ludwig on May 14, 2021
Love the stars on the background!
- Miss Ludwig on May 14, 2021
Really great!
- MTS on May 14, 2021
I love the eagle with its wings spread wide!
- Magister Potteiger on May 14, 2021