Anastasia2805's Comments (45)

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Below are comments about Anastasia2805's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great determination to finish this. Took awhile! Great job.
- Brenda (Mother) on June 15, 2021
Super good. Hands are hard.
- Brenda (Mother) on May 18, 2021
Wow! This is brilliant! You were really able to show the movements of their bodies.
- Mrs. Troutman on May 26, 2021
Anastasia, this illustration blew me away! I love the alternation of the shades of each color.
- Mrs. Troutman on May 26, 2021
I can feel the emotion in this illustration! Fabulous!
- K. Shanoskie on May 26, 2021
The way you constructed this entire spread is so visually interesting, Anastasia! And such great detail. I am really enjoying these pieces from your capstone. I miss seeing your artwork in person!
- Mrs. Khan on May 26, 2021
Anastasia, all your artwork is fabulous! Great attention to detail!!!
- K. Shanoskie on May 26, 2021
Anastasia, All your artwork is so beautiful and detailed. The colors are so vibrant, and I love how you organize and decorate each page! You are so creative with how you seemed to zoom in on different parts of the plant in their own individual boxes, it is very appealing to look at. Well done!
- Mrs. Sirkot on May 26, 2021
Anastasia this is amazing!
- Mrs. Juranis on May 26, 2021
This is so cool! You are very talented.
- Mrs Housel on May 26, 2021
This place looks magical. Great Job!
- Nurse Danielle on May 26, 2021
The form looks so graceful! You're so talented! Great job!
- Mrs.Breen on May 26, 2021
Very neat! Nice collection!
- Mrs.Breen on May 26, 2021
- Mrs. Montejo on May 26, 2021
Anastasia, I can see the care you've put into this assignment! The font you use is delightful to read, and the formatting is aesthetically pleasing. Keep up the good work!
- Charlesworth on May 26, 2021
Your work is so detailed and well organized! Your capstone is beautiful. Great job!
- Ms. Boyer on May 26, 2021
Anastasia, this is stunning. I think I may need to buy it on a mug for my morning coffee!
- Mrs Housel on May 26, 2021
I feel like I'm looking at this in real life!
- Miss Lott on May 26, 2021
Anastasia, this is beautiful work! I love the details you created with the black marker.
- Mrs. Kercher on May 26, 2021
This is my mother's favorite! So well done!
- Miss Lott on May 26, 2021
Love your shading!
- Ms. Nguyen on May 26, 2021
Love this water color. Reminds me of our family's campsite. Nice use of colors...very earthy.
- Mrs A on May 26, 2021
Amazing details!
- Miss Ludwig on May 26, 2021
WOW!! I have no other words for this piece!!
- Mrs. Karen Bevan on May 26, 2021
Nicely done (Mrs. Gross's Dad)
- James on May 26, 2021
This is really pretty!
- Tyler (teacher at Gillingham Charter School) on May 26, 2021
This is absolutely breathtaking!
- Miss Ludwig on May 26, 2021
This piece is gorgeous! I love your use of shading in the trees. It really shows the depth of the piece. Great job! You're very talented!
- Mrs.Breen on May 26, 2021
Your shading on the trees is amazing and adds very realistic depth to the tree lines. You managed to capture amazing tones throughout the piece.
- Mrs. Hill on May 26, 2021
I am in awe at the design and level of detail in all of your capstone works displayed here. You can really tell the time and care you took into making this a beautiful and well thought out project. This is just so pleasing to look at! Congratulations on amazing work!
- Ms. Romanelli on May 26, 2021
I love poinsettias and you did an absolute beautiful job recreating them in a picture! Great work!
- Ms. Dove on May 26, 2021
I really like the subtle shading on this piece. It looks so life-like!
- Magister Potteiger on May 26, 2021
Reminds me of one of our trips west (Mrs. Gross's Dad)
- James on May 26, 2021
I appreciate the way that you can even create artwork with your words!
- Mrs Lydon on May 26, 2021
This is so cool - I want to see the rest of the book!
- Mrs Lydon on May 26, 2021
It is a beautiful piece of art.
- Mrs. Montejo on May 26, 2021
Anastasia, I am so drawn to the sense of calm in this picture and the colors you chose. Such beautiful work!
- Ms. Romanelli on May 26, 2021
Anastasia: This is absolutely beautiful! I feel like I can step into your scene!
- Mrs Lydon on May 26, 2021
These colors are absolutely beautiful! Looks like a wonderful place for a get-a-way!
- Ms. Altemose on May 26, 2021
I love the beautiful autumn colors in this yearbook!
- Magister Potteiger on May 26, 2021
Great shading!
- Miss Lott on May 26, 2021
I love the quote and the way it ties into your scene. Beautiful!
- Miss Lott on May 26, 2021
I like the blending of colors in this!
- Tyler (teacher at Gillingham Charter School) on May 26, 2021
I love the close detail in the smaller boxes Anastasia! This is beautiful!
- Trinda (teacher at Gillingham Charter School) on May 26, 2021
This comment is a test.
- Sarah on May 26, 2021