Abigail804's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Abigail804's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Abbey, I just think your goldfish picture is your very best yet, keep up the good art work, someday you might be famous!! Love you, Grandma Day
- on May 21, 2009
Great job, Abbey! Youre becoming quite the artist...love your colors, love you, too! Grandma Carole
- on March 13, 2009
Great picture, Abbey, I'm very proud of you, keep the good work! Love you much, Grandma Carole
- on February 25, 2009
Gobble gobble!! Great turkey Abbey! Looks good enough to....keep as a pet! Love You!
- on February 17, 2009
Abbey, great picture! So happy I could see your work! Love, Great Aunt Kathy
- on February 17, 2009