Rebecca11416's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Rebecca11416's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is just amazing, Rebecca! The colors and shapes really do evoke stained glass windows. The black tree in the center is just a great contrast to the vivid colors in the background. Wonderful work!
- Grammy on March 20, 2025 NEW
I love the way you have presented your delicate earrings, Rebecca!
- Grammy on November 7, 2024
Your radial origami is fun to look at I like your choice of colors
- Yaya on November 7, 2024
This looks like it was a lot of fun to create! I don't recall seeing anything like this before, sort of an origami collage. Nice, bright color choices and a pretty arrangement. The design reminds me of some I have seen done in needlepoint, but I bet this was a lot faster to create.
- Grammy on November 7, 2024
Wow! This is so intricate, with so many interesting details! I love the assortment of colors in the various components. Very nice work, Rebecca!
- Grammy on January 17, 2024
Love it, Rebecca!
- Aunt Valerie on January 17, 2024
Well, this was a fun challenge! I wasn't sure whether "Betta Fish" was the name of an artist or the name of a tropical fish...but Google set me straight. I do love the way the large tail flows around the fish in the water. That and the bubbles provide a nice moving contrast to the static coral and aquatic plants. Very nicely done!
- Grammy(fan) on June 2, 2023
I love this piece! It is so cool! The combination of techniques makes a very interesting dynamic. It looks as if it was a lot of fun to create. Great job!
- Grammy on February 9, 2023
Love it!!
- Aunt Valerie on January 9, 2023
Ooohhh! This looks just as delicious as your Dad's beautiful cupcakes! I love the detail, too: the strawberry, sprinkles, and even the paper cup are so finely done. Another great job!
- Grammy on December 22, 2022
Becca’s tiger clearly would make Henri Rousseau proud. He would especially appreciate the lessons Becca absorbed from his jungle masterpieces. The tiger himself displays an array of colors from the deep orange red to orange to mixture of yellow and orange, giving the tiger wonderful volume. Who can avoid those piercing tiger eyes, another Rousseau influence. Nice job playing off the warm colors, orange, red and yellow against the contrasting cool colors of green and blue, with the magenta at the top a combination of warm and cool. And what a job Becca does in adding unity to the painting with the black tiger stripes echoing the black background. Even the use of blue brings unity to the picture by framing the tiger and showing up in the veins and outlines of the leaves. A great piece.
- Alfred on December 12, 2021
I just love your tiger, Becca! His watchful golden eyes seem to be peering out of a hiding place in a vividly colored tropical garden, watching for signs of prey.
- Grammy on December 12, 2021
I can just feel that strong wind blowing the trees. The colors are so evocative of this time of year. Wonderful work!
- Marilyn on November 4, 2021
What a fabulous sunflower! I especially like the way Rebecca recreated the center of the flower. Not just a solid center, but rather a part of the flower with many textures and shapes and variation in color. So well done and the azure blue sky transports the viewer to a brilliant, sunny day full of joy.
- Alfred on October 22, 2021
Such a peaceful, beautiful scene! I love the use of multimedia to create this flower and leaf. The way you have painted the water makes it look as if it is flowing past the lotus.
- Grammy on June 10, 2021
Love your turtle, Becca! The shading is so nicely done!
- Grammy(fan) on May 19, 2021
This is quite an extraordinary piece, Becca: very modern, and distinctively yours!
- Grammy(fan) on May 12, 2021
What a powerful, very impressive image. But I’ll have to be careful of those penetrating eyes. Wow! A terrific modern abstract.
- Uncle Al(fan) on April 21, 2021
This is wonderful! You have an amazing talent and an amazing teacher!
- Aunt Betty(fan) on April 21, 2021