Cam~ I love this new art work!! I can't wait to display it at home!! I love you buddy and keep up the good work!! Love, Mommy!
- on October 25, 2008
it's great cameron i'll be waiting for the next one love ya auntie gail
- on January 21, 2008
cammy I am super impressed this is really creative and I think this might be your forte' bud. I love it love aunt julie
- on January 18, 2008
AWESOME picture!! I really enjoy how it is 3D looking and looks like trees!! You did a great job!! Keep up the great work!!
- on January 18, 2008
Cameron; Every time you draw a picture you impress me. I am very proud of you , keep up the good work. Love papa Rogers
- on January 17, 2008
cameron you did a wonderful job in this picture. I am so proud of you buddy. It looks like you spent allot of time with this and it shows. I love the creativity and colors you used. I am so proud of you and it looks as if god has blessed you with a special talent. Your daddy loves you so much and I miss you tons!!! Cant wait to see you again and keep up the wonderful work. I love you love daddy
- on January 16, 2008
Hi Cam!! Great job!!! The trees look soooo real. We love this picture, too!! Keep up the great work, bud!!! Love u- Uncle David, Auntie Shannon, Olivia, Sophie ANd Joey
- on January 15, 2008
Cam, I love this!! You did such a wonderful job. I especially love how you made the trees in the distance!! great job! You continue to make us all proud of you!! I love you buddy!! Love, Mommy
- on January 15, 2008
Cameron, Is that a picture of the wasp that kissed you silly. Ryan
- on December 6, 2007
Cameron, wonderful job on both pieces of art! Your drawing is better than most of my third graders! Keep up the great work! Love Always, Allyson, Scott, & Heather
- on December 2, 2007
Way To Go Cameron. Mark & Tedi
- on November 30, 2007
You have great talent. I am so glad to be able to see your pictures. Keep up the good work, I'm very proud of you.
- on November 29, 2007
great job we'll be looking for your work at the art museum one day
- on November 28, 2007
Hi Cam..... Great job!! I love how the tail is like a rainbow. I also love the shaded backround. Keep up the goor work, buddy. Love you- Auntie Shannon