What a great looking design, Gavin. I'm proud of you! -- grandpa Jay
- on December 5, 2011
Hi Gavin You are very imaginative and talented. I really like the variety of your paintings. Keep painting - you have a gift! Uncle Rob -- Rob
- on December 5, 2011
Hey Gav, That is some really interesting artwork there. I felt as if I was actually looking at the nightime sky. Thanks for sharing your work! Love, Gramma Lynne
- on October 31, 2011
Dearest Gavin, I am so proud of you! You have always been interested in art, especially creating your own pictures, etc. Keep uop the good work. I LOVE seeing your art work on my computer!! This one of the leaves is VERY interesting. The outline looks sort of like a happy fish, which is an intersting addition to the picture. The leaves are beautiful. Very artsy, my precious grandson! Love, Grandma Marge
- on November 30, 2008
Gavin: I see lots of children's art work and I can tell you that yours is really quite amazing. You use color well and have good proportion. Keep up the beautiful work. Tante Ellen
- on October 15, 2008
That was great. I enjoyed seeing your art work! Grandpa Jay
- on October 15, 2008
Gavin, What a great looking chameleon. Did you have a name for this creation? Was he/she successful in capturing his/her lunch? Love Gramma Lynne
- on October 15, 2008
Gavin, I love your artwork! It needs to be framed!!! Love, Aunt Carol
- on October 15, 2008
Gavin, cool artwork Rissi
- on October 15, 2008
Gavin, Wow that is beautiful. Thanks for sharing it!!! Love, Gramma Lynne
- on October 15, 2008
Gavin, this would be so neat to hand in your window! Gramma Lynne
- on January 25, 2008
Gavin, I really like how you made this snowman your own. You added some very fine personal characteristics that say, "Hey, this is the snowman I made!". Cool. Better be or it will melt! Love Ya, Gramma Lynne